Q&A Topics

Q&A with Coach Phil TOPICS LIST with Sublists

SPECIAL NOTE: These “articles” are an attempt to answer questions from a Biblical basis in order to help Youth Leaders (Coaches) deal biblically & practically with every issue that they may face in doing ministry with young people in Churches and First Priority Clubs. They are produced from a “biblical worldview” by our Lead Coach, Phil Brown. Get to know more about Phil & his family by going to the Intro Q&A or go to https://firstpriority.global/meet-the-team/.Phil is a Youth Ministry Veteran, Worship Leader, & Speaker, since 1980, and a First Priority strategy implementer & trainer as a Youth Pastor, since 1992!  He gladly welcomes any Christ-like discussion on any topic or article listed. Send emails to Q&A WITH COACH PHIL at [email protected].

Below is a LIST OF TOPICS of Q&A WITH COACH PHIL articles, bible studies, etc.

All of the Q&A WITH COACH PHIL articles are in Google Drive.

Email questions to Q&A WITH COACH PHIL (or to access the Google Drive) at [email protected].

*These topics are specific to the First Priority strategy.

For ABSOLUTE TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #59.


#59 Q&A with Coach Phil – March 20, 2018 – Right and Wrong

#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

#94 – What is Truth? – November 20, 2018 = The history of Truth & it’s source, and the 3 premises of Truth.

#111 – The 10 Commandments – March 19, 2019 = Here’s a simple way to remember God’s TOP TEN ABSOLUTE TRUTHS…in order…by using the fingers on your hands as reminders!

#270 – Who Cut In On You? – April 6, 2021 = This is a Bible study that looks at the parallel of “living the Christian life” and “running a race” from both spiritual and practical perspectives.

More TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #94.

BIBLE AS TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #35.

APOLOGETICS & WORLDVIEW Resources, go to Q&A #124.

For APOLOGETICS Resources, go to Q&A #124.

APOLOGETICS Resources List:

#35 – Proving the Bible – Oct. 3, 2017 = The Bible is 1) the REVELATION of God, 2) RELIABLE, 3) RELEVANT!

#39 – Real Jesus – Oct. 31, 2017 = The REAL JESUS reminds us that He must be the CENTRAL FOCUS of our ministry with young people!

#58 – Interpreting the Bible – Mar. 13, 2018 = We MUST have a Conservative view, not Liberal, of the interpretation of the Bible!

#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

#61 – How We Know Jesus is Alive – April 3, 2018 = Here are 7 alternate explanations of the resurrection, and the answer for each!

#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

#94 – What is Truth? – November 20, 2018 = The history of Truth & it’s source, and the 3 premises of Truth.

#98 – Legislating Morality – December 18, 2018 = We deal with 2 important concepts of Legislating Morality that will also help you see how “biblical” your Worldview is!

#101 – Sanctity of Life – January 8, 2019 = We take a look at the 2 main issues to consider about Abortion!

#120 – Legislating Morality – Part 2 – May 21, 2019 = Here is additional information on the issue of Legislating Morality!

#122 – Legislating Morality – Part 3 – June 4, 2019 = This focuses on questions like “Is Legislating Morality Biblical?” etc.

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 1,” click here or go to Q&A #140.

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 2 – Old Earth vs Young Earth,” click here or go to Q&A #141.

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 3,” click here or go to Q&A #254.

#142 – What is Wrong with the Woke Movement? – October 22, 2019 = This deals with the issue of a new movement that focuses on progressivism but under the guise of righting social injustice.

#161 – Reading the Bible All Wrong?! – March 3, 2020 = This focuses on 3 Faulty Trends of Interpreting the Bible that are in widespread use today.

#163 – Christians’ Response to the Wuhan Coronavirus:  The Difference Between Concern and Worry – March 17, 2020 = This shows us Christians How to respond properly to situations that tempt us to worry, and How to use situations like this as opportunities to share the Hope and Truth of the Gospel!

#166 – Jesus’ Last Words: The Power & Meaning of “It is Finished!” – April 7, 2020 = This details the background & powerful meaning of Jesus’ last words on the Cross!

#167 – Jesus’ Last Words: Part 2 – Jesus’ 7 Last Words on the Cross! – April 10, 2020 = This explains the significance of the Last 7 Phrases that Jesus said on the Cross!

#168 – What Do the Cross and Resurrection Mean for Us? – April 14, 2020 = This shows that since the Message of the Cross & Resurrection are the apex of everything Christians are about, that we must be constantly teaching & training the young people we work with to understand it & share it with their generation!!!

#169 – Eyewitness Testimony That’ll Make You Never Doubt the Resurrection Again!!! – April 17, 2020 = This includes interviews with three well-known Christian apologists to show the unquestionable proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus!!!

#170 – What’s Up With Those 500 Witnesses? – April 21, 2020 = This details the account of the 500+ eyewitnesses that the resurrected Jesus appeared to all at one time that Paul refers to in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8!

#172 – Jesus’ Last Words: Part 3 – Between the Resurrection & Ascension! – April 28, 2020 = This details the order of Jesus’ appearances and the words He spoke between His Resurrection & Ascension!

#178 – Jesus’ Last Words:  Part 4 – The (Five) Great Commission(s) – May 19, 2020 = This article takes a look at all five scripture passages in the New Testament that come together to make up the whole picture of the “Great Commission.”

#179 – Days of Creation! – May 22, 2020 = This article contains a massive amount of biblical (historical & theological) info on the Creation!

#180 – What Does the Bible Say About Dinosaurs?! – May 26, 2020 = This details how the Bible gives us a framework for explaining dinosaurs in terms of thousands of years of history, including the mystery of when they lived and what happened to them.

#186 – Beyond Blind Faith! – June 16, 2020 = This article is a summary of the key proofs of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that will help young people to know & practice the techniques of Apologetics, i.e. an intellectual defense of the truth of Christianity…explaining not only why they believe in Jesus but also why not believing is not a viable option.

#187 – Fathers: Created In the Image of God – June 19, 2020 = We take a look at some things our Dads have in common with God so that when we look at our earthly father we learn more about our Heavenly Father!

#190 – Explaining the Trinity – June 30, 2020 = This gives biblical proof to help young people wrap their minds around the incredible truth of the TRINITY!

#191 – Freedom In Christ! – July 3, 2020 = This describes how anyone can experience the only real freedom on the planet!

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change – July 7, 2020, = This examines the biblical worldview of the environment, plus shows the alarmism behind Climate Change.

#193 – Stewardship: Part 3 – Caretakers of the Redeemer’s Resources – July 10, 2020 = This addresses how to steward the temporal with focus on the eternal.

#194 – Christians’ Response to the Cancel Culture – July 14, 2020 = This deals with the boycotting or silencing of someone by the use of threats personally, financially, vocationally, politically, or even just to decrease popularity, known as Cancel Culture.

#195 – Beware of the ‘Hype Train’ of Culture – July 17, 2020 = This will help all Christians to be more strategic in “the Battle” that we are fighting (Ephesians 6:10-18) to be salt & light (Matthew 5:13-16) in order to further His Kingdom (Matthew 28:18-20) in the Culture we live in!

#197 – What Does The Bible Say About The Culture War? – July 24, 2020 = This describes the various “cultural conflicts” between Judeo-Christian values/ethics and the more liberal viewpoint on morality in society and what the Bible says we are to do about it!

#200 – 10K Reasons to Believe – August 4, 2020 = This is a Bible study based on the song “10K” by KB that deals with some of the 10,000 reasons to believe in, trust in, and worship God!

#203 – Which OT Laws Are Christians To Obey? – August 14, 2020 = This article answers the question by explaining the 3 Types of OT Law:  Civil, Ceremonial, & Moral.

#205 – Fighting the Culture War Against the Odds – August 21, 2020 = This post gives some great ideas for how Christians need to engage in the Culture War!

#206 – Are Traditional Marriage Advocates Homophobes? – August 25, 2020 = This shows why Christians who advocate for traditional marriage, and against homosexual marriage, are often falsely called homophobes.

#221 – Biblical Judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World – October 16, 2020 = This study will help young people have a more biblically correct understanding of the important biblical principle of judging.

#222 – Legislating Morality–Part 4 – October 20, 2020 = This is the 4th in the series and deals more specifically with legislating against morality.

#228 – Stewardship of the Earth – Part 2 – November 10, 2020 = This examines the Christian’s individual and collective responsibility to be stewards of the earth (environment).

#251 – How to Defend God’s Word – January 29, 2021 = This article shows how to use apologetics to faithfully communicate the truths of the Bible to point to the hope we have in Christ!

#252 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 1 – February 2, 2021 = This lists six principles that can guide us to study and interpret God’s Word!

#253 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 2 – February 5, 2021 = This explains how to properly interpret Scripture by applying the 6 key principles from Part 1 and using Genesis 1-11 as the focal point.

#255 – Top 10 Myths About Creation – February 12, 2021 = This debunks the top 10 myths that our culture is constantly putting forth as fact about Creation.

#258 – Was There Really a Noah’s Ark & Flood? – February 23, 2021 = This article shows the evidence of Noah’s Ark & the Flood including a defense of the scriptural account of God’s judgment upon the earth by flood.

#259 – Why Does It Have To Be Creation or Evolution? – February 26, 2021 = This article shows how Creation and Evolution are diametrically opposed, and as Christians, we must be extremely careful in not allowing the theory of Evolution, which is an anti-God theory with no actual evidence, to influence our biblical worldview.

#263 – Internet Ministry – March 12, 2021 = This addresses 4 aspects of Internet Ministry: 1-Definition, 2-Evangelism & Discipleship, 3-Global Connection, 4-Interaction.

#268 – Worldview vs. Socialism – March 30, 2021 = This explains the relationship between Socialism, Naturalism, & Christianity.

#278 – Why Young People Need to Learn Apologetics – May 4, 2021 = This Corrects 5 Misconceptions that many have about Apologetics.

*For the BASICS & KEY Resources of the FIRST PRIORITY STRATEGY, plus other CAMPUS MINISTRY Resources, go to Q&A #1.


Q&A #1 introduces the First Priority strategy & overview, followed by info about the Youth Council (Feb. 7, 2017), which is the Youth Leadership Team composed of the Co-Captains of each of the 4 Ministry (F.I.S.H. Cycle) Teams +Connect.

For more about the Youth Council & optional ways of organizing it, see Q&A #30 – Our Distinctives – Aug. 29, 2017, where we go over an OPTION 2 for an alternative approach to organizing the Youth Council & Ministry Teams leadership.

For more about the Youth Council, see Q&A #36 – Youth Council-Part 2 – Oct. 10, 2017, where we go into more detail on the 2 Jobs: 1) Plan the F.I.S.H. Cycle meetings & 2) Plan the Ministry activities.  Until there is a Connect team, then they also organize the follow-up of new believers!

#2 – Unity / Network – Feb. 14, 2017 = The united group of adult leaders from local churches who have a heart for reaching teens on the school campus.

#3 – CORE4 Team – Feb. 21, 2017 = The 4 Biblical functions / roles for those implementing the First Priority strategy.

#4 – Community Research / Diagnostic – Feb. 28, 2017 = Researching the Spiritual & Physical Climate of Your Community.

#5 – Ministry Teams – Mar. 7, 2017 = The 4 Ministries (Pray, Bless, Serve, Tell) that the First Priority Club is organized around.

#6 – F.I.S.H. Cycle – Mar. 14, 2017 = The 4-week cycle (Focus, Inspire, Share, Hook) that the First Priority Club meetings follow monthly.

#7 – Connection / Follow-up & the Monthly Ministry Report – Mar. 21, 2017 = The Follow-up process that starts each month with those who get saved at Hook Week!

#8 – F.I.S.H.ing Elements – Mar. 28, 2017 = The 5 Categories of people involved in implementing the First Priority strategy…to be fishers of men.

#9 – Focus Groups – Apr. 4, 2017 = Small groups that meet during the Focus Week meeting for Accountability & Discipleship.

#10 – Steps to Put It All Together – Apr. 11, 2017 = An overview of the 3 Phase Process & Resources to implement the First Priority strategy.

#11 – To Do’s & Not To Do’s – Apr. 18, 2017 = Practical things to do & to avoid in implementing the FP strategy.

#12 – 5 Most Common Misconceptions – Apr. 25, 2017 = 5 ideas/mindsets we have learned the hard way to avoid.

#13 – Fishing Hole – May 2, 2017 = The place where the teen fishermen go fishing…the School &/or Community.

#14 – Fishing Guides – May 9, 2017 = The adult leaders who “guide” the teen fishermen…(a.k.a. Coaches)

#15 – Big Picture – May 16, 2017 = The Mission, Vision, Strategy, & Motto of First Priority.

#16 – Hook Week – May 23, 2017 = The last meeting of the F.I.S.H. Cycle where someone presents the Gospel & the lost are saved…hooked!

#17 – Focus Week – May 30, 2017 = The 1st meeting of the F.I.S.H. Cycle that focuses on equipping in evangelism & small group discipleship,

#18 – Inspire Week – June 6, 2017 = The 2nd meeting of the F.I.S.H. Cycle where guest speakers share inspirational messages.

#19 – Share Week – June 13, 2017 = The 3rd meeting of the F.I.S.H. Cycle where young people share their personal testimonies.

#20 – Guidelines – June 20, 2017 = The School Introductory Letter that the youth give to the School Administration when starting their FP Club.

#21 – 5 Key Elements – June 27, 2017 = The 5 key ministry focuses of the FP Club, which are reflected in the 5 FP core values.

#22 – Coaching Tips – July 4, 2017 = The 12 “best practices” or tips we have learned from the 30+ years in implementing the FP strategy.

#23 – Battle & Solutions – July 11, 2017 = The Battle we are in between the Kingdom of Light vs Kingdom of Darkness and the Spiritual Solution.

#24 – Coaches Meetings – July 18, 2017 = Key practices for the monthly meeting of the adult leaders (Coaches) implementing the FP strategy.

#25 – Campus Missionaries – July 25, 2017 = The concept, vision-casting, process, training, commitment, commissioning, & coaching of CM’s.

#26 – 5 Functions of a Coach – Aug. 1, 2017 = The 5 key functions of training, helping, & coaching youth leaders & communicating w/ the CCM.

#27 – Successful Coaching – Aug. 8, 2017 = 5 key ingredients to be a successful coach & 3 essential components.

#28 – Coaching the Games & the Monthly Ministry Report – Aug. 15, 2017 = 25 basics of coaching the club meetings.

#29 – 7 C’s that Unite Us – Aug. 22, 2017 = 7 key areas to focus on in order to build unity in our communities.

#30 – Our Distinctives & Youth Council-Option 2 – Aug. 29, 2017 = 5 key elements that set the First Priority strategy apart from all other campus ministry strategies, plus, OPTION 2 which is a simpler way to implement the strategy & still see dramatic results!

#36 – Youth Council 2 – Oct. 10, 2017 = 2 Jobs: 1) Plan the F.I.S.H. Cycle meetings & 2) Plan the Ministry activities.  Until there is a Connect team, then they also organize the follow-up of new believers!

#38 – Devo Guide – Oct. 24, 2017 = Using the 31-Day Devo Guide for FPG Coaches to get started implementing this Great Commission strategy!

#43 – Option 2 – Nov. 28, 2017 = Youth Council…ONE Leadership Team that can do it ALL in ONE Meeting!

#242 – Year In Review – 2020! – December 29, 2020 = Here are a few highlights of how God is using First Priority Global to equip and encourage Christian leaders around the world!


For CAMPUS MISSIONARY Resources, go to Q&A #25.

For the Community Research / Diagnostic document, go to Q&A #4.

For the Monthly Club Ministry Report, go to Q&A #28.


For the Calling All Christians Meeting Script, go to Q&A #109.

For the Community Covenant & Launching a Club, go to Q&A #157.

For Launching a First Priority Club Process & the Community Covenant, go to Q&A #157.

For Launching First Priority: Training Follow-up Steps, go to Q&A #164.

For the Training Follow-up Steps:  Launching First Priority, go to Q&A #164.

“CAMPUS MINISTRY” General Resources

For Campus Missionary Resources, go to Q&A #25.

#56 – School Shooting – Feb. 27, 2018 = The Proper Response is “I’m Not Ashamed!”

#79 – Students Reaching Students – August 7, 2018 = The Biggest Influence on a Teenager is a Peer!

#85 – See You at the Pole – September 18, 2018 = It is a global prayer movement where students meet at their school’s flagpole before school to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God on the 4th Wednesday of each September!

#114 – Praying for Our Students as Missionaries to Their School – April 9, 2019 = Here are some practical ways to help young people see themselves as missionaries to their schools so they can be light in their culture!

#119 – Serving Schools – May 14, 2019 = Here are 5 Ways to Serve Your Local Schools in response to the Great Commission!

#131 – Working Together to Reach Every Student – August 6, 2019 = This deals with helping our young people to experience the power of the united Body of Christ in action.

#178 – Jesus’ Last Words:  Part 4 – The (Five) Great Commission(s) – May 19, 2020 = This article takes a look at all five scripture passages in the New Testament that come together to make up the whole picture of the “Great Commission.”

For BIBLE AS TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #35.


*#35 Q&A with Coach Phil – October 3, 2017 – Proving the Bible!

*#251 – How to Defend God’s Word – January 29, 2021 = This article shows how to use apologetics to faithfully communicate the truths of the Bible to point to the hope we have in Christ!

*#58 – Interpreting the Bible: Introduction – Mar. 13, 2018 = Definition of terms, clarification, practical application, & conclusion.

*#161 – Reading the Bible All Wrong?! – March 3, 2020 = This focuses on 3 Faulty Trends of Interpreting the Bible that are in widespread use today.

*#252 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 1 – February 2, 2021 = This lists six principles that can guide us to study and interpret God’s Word!

*#253 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 2 – February 5, 2021 = This explains how to properly interpret Scripture by applying the 6 key principles from Part 1 and using Genesis 1-11 as the focal point.

#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

#61 – Jesus is Alive – April 3, 2018 = Here are 7 alternate explanations of the resurrection, and the answer for each!

#64 – Jesus’ Tomb in Empty! – April 24, 2018 = Some of the 14 Evidences that prove that the Garden Tomb site is genuine & accurate for where Jesus was buried!

#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

#94 – What is Truth? – November 20, 2018 = The history of Truth & it’s source, and the 3 premises of Truth.

#111 – The 10 Commandments – March 19, 2019 = Here’s a simple way to remember God’s TOP TEN ABSOLUTE TRUTHS…in order…by using the fingers on your hands as reminders!

#138 – Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? – September 24, 2019 = This delivers some great information showing the Differences Between the God of the Bible & the god of the Qur’an.

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 1,” click here or go to Q&A #140.

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 2 – Old Earth vs Young Earth,” click here or go to Q&A #141.

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 3,” click here or go to Q&A #254.

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 4, go to Q&A #257.

#151 – Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem? – December 24, 2019 = This focuses on the History, Prophecy, & Miracle of Bethlehem!

#153 – Alleged Disproofs of God’s Existence – January 7, 2020 = We deal with ways to respond to these 4 arguments that attempt to disprove the existence of God!

#169 – Eyewitness Testimony That’ll Make You Never Doubt the Resurrection Again!!! – April 17, 2020 = This includes interviews with three well-known Christian apologists to show the unquestionable proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus!!!

#174 – Coach Phil’s Top 101 Favorite Bible Verses / Passages! – May 5, 2020 = This Scripture list will help anyone to “stay on the path of purity” (Ps. 119:9) by “hiding God’s Word in their hearts” (Ps. 119:11)!

#180 – What Does the Bible Say About Dinosaurs?! – May 26, 2020 = This details how the Bible gives us a framework for explaining dinosaurs in terms of thousands of years of history, including the mystery of when they lived and what happened to them.

#186 – Beyond Blind Faith! – June 16, 2020 = This article is a summary of the key proofs of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that will help young people to know & practice the techniques of Apologetics, i.e. an intellectual defense of the truth of Christianity…explaining not only why they believe in Jesus but also why not believing is not a viable option.

#200 – 10K Reasons to Believe – August 4, 2020 = This is a Bible study based on the song “10K” by KB that deals with some of the 10,000 reasons to believe in, trust in, and worship God!

#201 – Why Does It Matter That Jesus Was Jewish? – August 7, 2020 = This deals with the fact that the Messiah had to be a Jew in order to fulfill all the Messianic prophecies!

#255 – Top 10 Myths About Creation – February 12, 2021 = This debunks the top 10 myths that our culture is constantly putting forth as fact about Creation.

#256 – End Times – February 16, 2021 = This is a brief overview of events that the Bible reveals will happen in the End Times and how to prepare for them.

#258 – Was There Really a Noah’s Ark & Flood? – February 23, 2021 = This article shows the evidence of Noah’s Ark & the Flood including a defense of the scriptural account of God’s judgment upon the earth by flood.

#259 – Why Does It Have To Be Creation or Evolution? – February 26, 2021 = This article shows how Creation and Evolution are diametrically opposed, and as Christians, we must be extremely careful in not allowing the theory of Evolution, which is an anti-God theory with no actual evidence, to influence our biblical worldview.

For BIBLE READING & STUDY Resources, go to Q&A #161.


*#161 Q&A with Coach Phil – March 3, 2020 – Reading the Bible All Wrong?!

*#58 – Interpreting the Bible: Introduction – Mar. 13, 2018 = Definition of terms, clarification, practical application, & conclusion.

*#252 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 1 – February 2, 2021 = This lists six principles that can guide us to study and interpret God’s Word!

*#253 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 2 – February 5, 2021 = This explains how to properly interpret Scripture by applying the 6 key principles from Part 1 and using Genesis 1-11 as the focal point.

#48 – New Years Resolutions Worth Keeping – Jan. 2, 2018 = 6 Practical Principles to make New Year’s Resolutions Worth Keeping!

#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

#108 – Feet Time & Heart Time – February 26, 2019 = This deals with Spending Daily Time with God in the Morning AND Evening!

#110 – Leading a Bible Study – March 12 2019 = This is a very simple process for Preparing & Leading a Bible Study!

#132 – How to Read the Bible Chronologically – August 13, 2019 = This shows how reading the Bible in historical order can equip us to understand its narrative more clearly and see it from a fresh perspective.

#147 – A Meal that will make Students Hungry – November 26, 2019 = This is about how to teach students to feed themselves spiritually!

#148 – Secrets to a Successful Christian Life – December 3, 2019 = Here are some Biblical Principles to be Prosperous & Successful!

#154 – 10 Spiritual Challenges to Set the Pace for the New Year – January 14, 2020 = We deal with a fresh approach to New Years Resolutions… a Spiritual Decathlon!

#174 – Coach Phil’s Top 101 Favorite Bible Verses / Passages! – May 5, 2020 = This Scripture list will help anyone to “stay on the path of purity” (Ps. 119:9) by “hiding God’s Word in their hearts” (Ps. 119:11)!

#176 – Study the Bible Like Billy Graham! – May 12, 2020 = This gives some great ideas from the infamous evangelist Billy Graham’s own description of how he studied the Bible to see if we can find some good advice and encouragement for our own study in the Word.

#184 – 7 Strategies to Win the Temptation Battle! – June 9, 2020 = This focuses on Strategies of how we can use God’s Scripture, Spirit, & Servants to fight Temptation.

#188 – 5 Myths About Studying the Bible – June 23, 2020 = This article goes through 5 myths that show just how important it is for us to make time to study the Bible!

#189 – Top 10 Bible ‘Must-Knows’ – June 26, 2020 = This will show you where we need to dig deeper into the Word of God & discover the wealth of Biblical Basics!

#190 – Explaining the Trinity – June 30, 2020 = This gives biblical proof to help young people wrap their minds around the incredible truth of the TRINITY!

#196 – Foundations for Followers of Jesus! – July 21, 2020 = This info will help take a new disciple and get them on the journey to become a disciple that looks like Jesus!

#251 – How to Defend God’s Word – January 29, 2021 = This article shows how to use apologetics to faithfully communicate the truths of the Bible to point to the hope we have in Christ!

For BIBLICAL CHIVALRY Resources, go to Q&A #198.


#198 Q&A with Coach Phil – July 28, 2020 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 1 – Introduction

#230 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 2 – 3 Ideals of Chivalry (1st Ideal=R.E.A.L. Man & Woman Definition) – November 17, 2020 = This answers the question, from a biblical perspective, “what does it mean to be a REAL man or woman?”

#231 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 3 – 3 Ideals of Chivalry (2nd Ideal=Code of Conduct) – November 20, 2020 = This deals with 3 Critical Areas, 10 Biblical Ideals of Nobility, 3 Heritages to be Armed with, How to P.R.A.Y., & the Top 10 Faith Compromisers!

#233 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 4 – 3 Ideals (3rd Ideal = Transcendent Cause) – November 27, 2020 = This deals with Conventional vs Biblical Manhood, the Meaning & Characteristics of Transcendent Cause, 7 Battles Worth Fighting, 7 Strategies to Win These Battles, & How to Remember the 10 Standards of Biblical Manhood = the 10 Commandments!

#234 – Biblical Chivalry – Part 5 – 10 Strategies = [5] Tacticals + {5} Evangelistics – December 1, 2020 = First, we deal with 5 critical challenges where our teenagers need to be very ‘TACTICAL’ in combatting the schemes of the enemy; Second, we deal with 5 ways to share the life-transforming message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be ‘EVANGELISTIC’ messengers to their generation!

#102 – A  R.E.A.L. Man – January 15, 2019 = We take a look at the Definition of a R.E.A.L. Man, plus other aspects of Chivalry!

#105 – Dating Covenant – February 5, 2019 = We look at a Dating Covenant between Teens & Parents!

#155 – The Young Man’s Guide to Awesomeness Critique & Summary – January 21, 2020 = This is a great study book for teen boys to help them become godly young men; the subtitle is… How to Guard Your Heart (deals with thought life, pornography, self-centeredness, masturbation), Get the Girl (how to know when you’re ready), & Save the World (how to build a life that matters, finding God’s will, & overcoming temptation)!

#158 – P.U.R.I.T.Y. Training – February 11, 2020 = This is a Summary of what the Bible teaches on how we are to train ourselves in godliness, holiness, & purity and to avoid sexual immorality!

#181 – Top 10 Faith Compromisers – May 29, 2020 = This covers tactics that the enemy wants to use to bring about compromise in the lives of Christians.

#182 – Prerequisites for Dating – June 2, 2020 = This is a great bible study for a young person to complete before they start datng!

#184 – 7 Strategies to Win the Temptation Battle! – June 9, 2020 = This focuses on Strategies of how we can use God’s Scripture, Spirit, & Servants to fight Temptation.


*For CAMPUS MINISTRY GENERAL Resources, go to Q&A #1.

*For CAMPUS MISSIONARY Resources, go to Q&A #25.


#25 Q&A with Coach Phil – July 25, 2017 – Campus Missionaries & Their Mission Field

#114 – Praying for Our Students as Missionaries to Their School – April 9, 2019 = Here are some practical ways to help young people see themselves as missionaries to their schools so they can be light in their culture!

#79 – Students Reaching Students – August 7, 2018 = The Biggest Influence on a Teenager is a Peer!

#104 – Never Too Young to be Used by God – January 29, 2019 = We look at 10 Biblical Examples of How God Used Young People!

#55 – Influence – Feb. 20, 2018 = One word definition of Leadership is Influence…Salt & Light!

#144 – Evangelism Resources – November 5, 2019 = This is a list of evangelism tools that you can use to equip and train your students to be more effective in doing the Great Commission!

#107 – Personal Evangelism Follow-up – February 19, 2019 = This deals with the process for doing immediate follow-up with the person that you just led to faith in Christ!

#8 – F.I.S.H.ing Elements – Mar. 28, 2017 = The 5 Categories of people involved in implementing the FP strategy…to be fishers of men.

#13 – Fishing Hole – May 2, 2017 = The place where the teen fishermen go fishing…the School &/or Community.

#15 – Big Picture – May 16, 2017 = The Mission, Vision, Strategy, & Motto of First Priority.

#157 – Launching a First Priority Club – February 4, 2020 = This is a step by step process for Launching a First Priority Club!

#178 – Jesus’ Last Words:  Part 4 – The (Five) Great Commission(s) – May 19, 2020 = This article takes a look at all five scripture passages in the New Testament that come together to make up the whole picture of the “Great Commission.”

#23 – Battle & Solutions – July 11, 2017 = The Battle we are in between the Kingdom of Light vs Kingdom of Darkness and the Spiritual Solution.

#2 – Unity / Network – Feb. 14, 2017 = The united group of adult leaders from local churches who have a heart for reaching teens on the school campus.

#29 – 7 C’s that Unite Us – Aug. 22, 2017 = 7 key areas to focus on in order to build unity in our communities.

#34 – On Mission – Sept. 26, 2017 = Means to 1) Think Higher, 2) Pray Bigger, 3) Give Greater, & 4) Serve Stronger!

#7 – Connection / Follow-up & the Monthly Ministry Report – Mar. 21, 2017 = The Follow-up process that starts each month with those who get saved at Hook Week!

#41 – Right Leadership – Nov. 14, 2017 = 10 C’s of Getting the Right People on the Bus!

#43 – Option 2 – Nov. 28, 2017 = Youth Council…ONE Leadership Team that can do it ALL in ONE Meeting!

#49 – Teamwork – Jan. 9, 2018 = Teamwork makes the Dream work!

#50 – Greatness – Jan. 16, 2018 = Everybody can be Great because Everybody can Serve!

#53 – Self-Management – Feb. 6, 2018 = Guard your heart, Internal Game Plan, Self-Leadership…key to be an authentic Jesus follower!

#118 – The TEEN Commandments – May 7, 2019 = These are 10 principles that are very timely for the challenges that teenagers face in today’s culture!

#56 – School Shooting – Feb. 27, 2018 = The Proper Response is “I’m Not Ashamed!”

#60 – Reboot – Mar. 27, 2018 = 4 R’s…find time to refuel, reflect, return, & refocus!

#62 – Social Media – April 10, 2018 = 4 Tactics to Advance the Gospel on Social Media!

#63 – Ministry Partnership Principles – April 17, 2018 = Key Principles that will help you determine whether or not to partner with someone in doing ministry!

#69 – Certification #3 – May 29, 2018 = The Mission & Vision of First Priority!

#72 – Certification #5 – June 19, 2018 = Leadership in the Body of Christ!

#75 – Certification #7 – July 10, 2018 = Making Disciples!

#81 – Spiritual Warfare 101 – August 21, 2018 = Here’s How We Keep from being Deceived by the Enemy’s Schemes!

#85 – See You at the Pole – September 18, 2018 = It is a global prayer movement where students meet at their school’s flagpole before school to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God on the 4th Wednesday of each September!

#88 – The Power of Your Testimony – October 9, 2018 = Here is a simple format to use to make sure your testimony is an evangelistic tool!

#35 – Proving the Bible – Oct. 3, 2017 = The Bible is 1) the REVELATION of God, 2) RELIABLE, 3) RELEVANT!

#95 – Becoming a Velvet-Covered Brick – November 27, 2018 = Four principles that Jesus Christ demonstrated for winning people instead of just winning arguments!

#105 – Dating Covenant – February 5, 2019 = We look at a Dating Covenant between Teens & Parents!

#158 – P.U.R.I.T.Y. Training – February 11, 2020 = This is a Summary of what the Bible teaches on how we are to train ourselves in godliness, holiness, & purity and to avoid sexual immorality!

#108 – Feet Time & Heart Time – February 26, 2019 = This deals with Spending Daily Time with God in the Morning AND Evening!

#110 – Leading a Bible Study – March 12 2019 = This is a very simple process for Preparing & Leading a Bible Study!

#124 – Teaching a Biblical Worldview – June 18, 2019 = This is about helping young people to develop a Biblical Worldview.

#127 – Spiritual Growth Basics – July 9, 2019 = This focuses on the issue of the Spiritual Disciplines that a Follower of Jesus Needs in their life.

#128 – 7 Top Biblical Principles 4 Every Teen – July 16, 2019 = This deals with 7 Biblical Principles to help Every Teen live out the Christian Life Successfully.

#129 – Hearing the Voice of God – July 23, 2019 = This deals with Learning to Hear and Obey the Voice of God.

#208 – 5 Things We Need to Know About the Holy Spirit – September 1, 2020 = This article gives some powerful biblical insight into who the Holy Spirit is!

#209 – 7 Spheres of Cultural Influence – September 4, 2020 = This is a sermon preached by Benny Proffitt that not only deals with the 7 Spheres of Influence on Culture but also the 7 R’s of Revolution to Counter the Culture!

#210 – What About The Church? – September 8, 2020 = This is a Bible study on scriptural principles for understanding THE CHURCH!

#213 – Only Two Worldviews? – September 18, 2020 = This explains how the Bible shows us that there are only two worldviews:  Man’s way and God’s way!

#219 – 5 Hearts: It’s All About the Heart! – October 9, 2020 = This is a great message you can use to communicate to young people about their priorities and is also a great evangelistic tool!

#220 – Hitting the Reset Button! – October 13, 2020 = This study shows us how grace is a lot like a reset button on a video game!

#221 – Biblical Judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World – October 16, 2020 = This study will help young people have a more biblically correct understanding of the important biblical principle of judging.

For CHIVALRY Resources, go to Q&A #198.

For CHRISTMAS Season (Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, New Year, Epiphany) Resources, go to Q&A #44.


#44 Q&A with Coach Phil – December 5, 2017 – Christmas Traditions – Part 1: Advent

#44 – Christmas Traditions 1-Advent – Dec. 5, 2017 = Counting down to the Coming of the Messiah!

#45 – Christmas Traditions 2-Top 20 – Dec. 12, 2017 = From the Christmas Tree to the 12 Days of Christmas!

#46 – Christmas Traditions 3-Santa Claus – Dec. 19, 2017 = Saint Nicholas (aka Santa Claus) is one of the greatest Christians that has ever lived, & a modern day embodiment of the spirit of Christmas!

#47 – Christmas Traditions 4-Epiphany – Dec. 26, 2017 = Messiah is known with the visit of the 3 Wise Men…who still seek Jesus!

#99 – Christmas Service Projects – December 25, 2018 = We take a look at some First Priority Club Christmas Service Projects!

#149 – Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven! – December 10, 2019 = This deals with How to Know Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven & What to Say to Those Who Object.

#150 – What is the Christmas Star? – December 17, 2019 = This deals with some Speculations, Applications, & Conclusions about the Christmas Star!

#151 – Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem? – December 24, 2019 = This focuses on the History, Prophecy, & Miracle of Bethlehem!

#152 – 12 Days of Xmas & New Year’s Resolutions 3.0 – December 31, 2019 = We deal with the song, history, & meaning of the 12 Days of Christmas & some fresh insight to New Year’s Resolutions!

#177 – Giving to God! – May 15, 2020 = This lists & describes 4 THINGS WE CAN OFFER TO GOD—each of these is given to us by God, and each of them should be given back in God-honoring ways.

#186 – Beyond Blind Faith! – June 16, 2020 = This article is a summary of the key proofs of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that will help young people to know & practice the techniques of Apologetics, i.e. an intellectual defense of the truth of Christianity…explaining not only why they believe in Jesus but also why not believing is not a viable option.

#190 – Explaining the Trinity – June 30, 2020 = This gives biblical proof to help young people wrap their minds around the incredible truth of the TRINITY!

#201 – Why Does It Matter That Jesus Was Jewish? – August 7, 2020 = This deals with the fact that the Messiah had to be a Jew in order to fulfill all the Messianic prophecies!

#235 – Joy to the World! – December 4, 2020  = This is a Bible study that is based on a newly revamped Christmas Carol entitled “Joy to the World” by for KING & COUNTRY on their new Christmas album “A Drummer Boy Christmas.”

#237 – Wise Men Still Seek Jesus! – December 11, 2020 = This study looks at 3 Lessons that we can learn from the Wise Men!

#238 – 12 Blessings of Christmas! – December 15, 2020 = Warmth in our hearts brought about by traditions and activities focused on the real meaning of Christmas!

#239 – Salt & Light! – December 18, 2020 = This shows how students can communicate the Gospel message of Jesus by how they share & show His love through their very lives…i.e. being salt & light to the world!

#240 – The Christmas Star! – December 22, 2020 = This looks at Theories About & Lessons From the Christmas Star!

#241 – The First Noel! – December 25, 2020 = This focuses on the history, lyrics, & application of the Christmas Carol “The First Noel!”

NEW YEAR’S Resources:

#244 Q&A with Coach Phil – January 5, 2021 – 7 Resolution Choices for 2021

#48 – New Years Resolutions Worth Keeping – Jan. 2, 2018 = 6 Practical Principles to make New Year’s Resolutions Worth Keeping!

#100 – New Year’s Resolutions:  the Spiritual Edition – January 1, 2019 = We take a look at 4 Principles for Making Life-changing Resolutions!

#152 – 12 Days of Xmas & New Year’s Resolutions 3.0 – December 31, 2019

#154 – 10 Spiritual Challenges to Set the Pace for the New Year – January 14, 2020 = We deal with a fresh approach to New Years Resolutions… a Spiritual Decathlon!

#220 – Hitting the Reset Button! – October 13, 2020 = This study shows us how grace is a lot like a reset button on a video game!

#242 – Year In Review – 2020! – December 29, 2020 = Here are a few highlights of how God is using First Priority Global to equip and encourage Christian leaders around the world!

#243 – Year In Review – Part 2 – 2020! – January 1, 2021 = This highlights our partnership in the Global Youth Coalition!

#245 – Time to Reboot! – January 8, 2021 = We take a look at 7 practical ways to follow-through with New Years Resolutions (or Commitments as Jesus Followers).


#42 Q&A with Coach Phil – November 21, 2017 – Thanksgiving

#147 – A Meal that will make Students Hungry – November 26, 2019 = This is about how to teach students to feed themselves spiritually!

#232 – Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, & Liberty – 400th Anniversary! – November 24, 2020 = This focuses on why this is the 400th Anniversary of Thanksgiving, the meaning of Thanksgiving, the significance of the Pilgrims and their desire for religious Liberty, and thanksgiving Bible verses!

#177  – Giving to God! – May 15, 2020 = This lists & describes 4 THINGS WE CAN OFFER TO GOD—each of these is given to us by God, and each of them should be given back in God-honoring ways.


For STEWARDSHIP OF THE EARTH – Part 1, go to:  #192 Q&A with Coach Phil – July 7, 2020 – Stewardship of the Earth & Climate Change

For STEWARDSHIP OF THE EARTH – Part 2, go to:  #228 – Stewardship of the Earth – Part 2 – November 10, 2020 = This examines the Christian’s individual and collective responsibility to be stewards of the earth (environment).

For STEWARDSHIP – Part 3, go to: #193 – Stewardship: Part 3 – Caretakers of the Redeemer’s Resources – July 10, 2020 = This addresses how to steward the temporal with focus on the eternal.

For STEWARDSHIP – Part 4, go to: #177  – Stewardship: Part 4 – Giving to God! – May 15, 2020 = This lists & describes 4 THINGS WE CAN OFFER TO GOD—each of these is given to us by God, and each of them should be given back in God-honoring ways.

For an overview of the history of the Global Cooling/Global Warming/Climate Change issue, go to:




*For CONNECT / FOLLOW-UP / DISCIPLESHIP Resources, go to Q&A #7.

For CORONAVIRUS / COVID19 / PANDEMIC Resources, go to Q&A #163.

PANDEMIC Resources:

#163 Q&A with Coach Phil – March 17, 2020 – Christians’ Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic: The Difference Between Concern and Worry

Is COVID-19 a Biblical Plague?

*#171  – Pivoting in a Pandemic: Five Shifts in Global Youth Ministry – April 24, 2020 = This focuses on 5 ways you can “ramp-up” your Youth Ministry during & after this pandemic!

*#175 – In a Pandemic, Youth Workers are “Essential Workers!” – May 8, 2020 = This article shows just how important it is for the Body of Christ to value Youth Ministry! 

*#183 – Christians’ Response to Racism, Prejudice, & Injustice in Spite of a Pandemic – June 5, 2020 = This article gives the biblical basis for Christians to love others as ourselves by standing up against injustice, racism, & prejudice.

*#247 – Life Matters Worldwide! – January 15, 2021 = This is an update on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, the Pandemic, & Abortion.

#160 – Dealing with Death:  Remembering Kobe Bryant – February 25, 2020 = This provides insight for Christians in dealing with the reality of death & helping others who are going through the grieving process.

#191 – Freedom In Christ! – July 3, 2020 = This describes how anyone can experience the only real freedom on the planet!

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change – July 7, 2020, = This examines the biblical worldview of the environment, plus shows the alarmism behind Climate Change.

#228 – Stewardship of the Earth – Part 2 – November 10, 2020 = This examines the Christian’s individual and collective responsibility to be stewards of the earth (environment).

#193 – Stewardship: Part 3 – Caretakers of the Redeemer’s Resources – July 10, 2020 = This addresses how to steward the temporal with focus on the eternal.

#194 – Christians’ Response to the Cancel Culture – July 14, 2020 = This deals with the boycotting or silencing of someone by the use of threats personally, financially, vocationally, politically, or even just to decrease popularity, known as Cancel Culture.

#195 – Beware of the ‘Hype Train’ of Culture – July 17, 2020 = This will help all Christians to be more strategic in “the Battle” that we are fighting (Ephesians 6:10-18to be salt & light (Matthew 5:13-16in order to further His Kingdom (Matthew 28:18-20in the Culture we live in!

#196 – Foundations for Followers of Jesus! – July 21, 2020 = This info will help take a new disciple and get them on the journey to become a disciple that looks like Jesus!

#197 – What Does The Bible Say About The Culture War? – July 24, 2020 = This describes the various “cultural conflicts” between Judeo-Christian values/ethics and the more liberal viewpoint on morality in society and what the Bible says we are to do about it!

#207 – The Really Amazing Race – August 28, 2020 = This is a great Bible study that contains some great practical ways to run this race we call the “Christian life” or in more biblical terms “Following Jesus!”

#213 – Only Two Worldviews? – September 18, 2020 = This explains how the Bible shows us that there are only two worldviews:  Man’s way and God’s way!

#214 – The Return – A Most Critical Matter! – September 22, 2020 = This focuses on The Return – A National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance on Sept.26, 2020, starting at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time!

#215 – Importance of Fasting and Prayer – September 25, 2020 = This focuses on the spiritual disciplines of Fasting and Prayer, the power of them being exercised together, and some practical suggestions.

#216 – Kingdoms at War! – September 29, 2020 = This gives some keen insight between the two KINGDOMS AT WAR and the practical application of involvement in politics.

#219 – 5 Hearts: It’s All About the Heart! – October 9, 2020 = This is a great message you can use to communicate to young people about their priorities and is also a great evangelistic tool!

#220 – Hitting the Reset Button! – October 13, 2020 = This study shows us how grace is a lot like a reset button on a video game!

#221 – Biblical Judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World – October 16, 2020 = This study will help young people have a more biblically correct understanding of the important biblical principle of judging.

#222 – Legislating Morality–Part 4 – October 20, 2020 = This is the 4th in the series and deals more specifically with legislating against morality.

#223 – 7 C’s of History for a Biblical Worldview – October 23, 2020 = This article shows the major events of the past (and even the future)—the “7 Cs of History”—that are foundational to the Bible’s important message and demonstrate how the Bible connects to the real world.

#224 – The Secret to Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit! – October 27, 2020 = This article explains that following Jesus and walking with the Holy Spirit comes down to one simple truth…

#225 – Christian Citizenship: Rights & Responsibilities – October 30, 2020 = This deals with some of the most important civic responsibilities of Christians, some ways to apply the “salt & light” & “love your neighbor” principles, and some obligations in both the spiritual & earthly realms.

#226 – Christian Citizenship – Part 2: Biblical Principles for Political Engagement – November 3, 2020 = This focuses on the biblical foundation for proper involvement in politics.

#227 – D.R.I.F.T. Danger – November 6, 2020 = This bible study focuses on the danger of drifting from Christ and whole-hearted devotion to His purposes and His people.

#229 – What Makes a Great Church? – November 13, 2020 = This explains the phrase, “A Great Church is made up of Great Disciples with a Great Commitment to the Great Command and the Great Commission!”

#235 – Joy to the World! – December 4, 2020  = This is a Bible study that is based on a newly revamped Christmas Carol entitled “Joy to the World” by For KING & COUNTRY on their new Christmas album “A Drummer Boy Christmas.”

#236 – What I Would Say To All Pastors and Youth Pastors – December 8, 2020 = This addresses the five factors most likely to make the difference in turning around the ongoing decline in the reaching, baptizing, and discipling of 12- to 17-year-olds.

#237 – Wise Men Still Seek Jesus! – December 11, 2020 = This study looks at 3 Lessons that we can learn from the Wise Men!

#238 – 12 Blessings of Christmas! – December 15, 2020 = Warmth in our hearts brought about by traditions and activities focused on the real meaning of Christmas!

#239 – Salt & Light! – December 18, 2020 = This shows how students can communicate the Gospel message of Jesus by how they share & show His love through their very lives…i.e. being salt & light to the world!

#244 – 7 Resolution Choices for 2021 – January 5, 2021 = With the unprecedented nature of 2020 in the background, we take a look at 7 serious choices as resolutions for 2021.

#249 – Politics & Church: 4 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Well – January 22, 2021 = Here are some practical suggestions on how to help young people navigate the waters of political, social, and cultural upheaval like what we have been experiencing during this pandemic.

For CREATION vs. EVOLUTION Resources, go to Q&A #82.

CREATION resources:

#82 Q&A with Coach Phil – August 28, 2018 – Evolution is a Myth!

#136 – Why Does Creation Matter? – September 10, 2019 = This gives some incredible information about why Creation & the Age of the Earth are so important to the reliability of Scripture & the Gospel message!

#137 – What is Biblical Creation & Why is it Important? – September 17, 2019 = This gives some great information about Biblical Creation & how it is the basis for the Gospel!

#139 – Jesus on Creation – October 1, 2019 = If Jesus really is our Lord, then we must have the same views as Him on everything, especially on the issue of Creation.

#179 – Days of Creation! – May 22, 2020 = This article contains a massive amount of biblical (historical & theological) info on the Creation!

#180 – What Does the Bible Say About Dinosaurs?! – May 26, 2020 = This details how the Bible gives us a framework for explaining dinosaurs in terms of thousands of years of history, including the mystery of when they lived and what happened to them.

#202 – Evolution & the Naturalism Worldview – August 11, 2020 = This shows how the Evolution Theory is a direct result of a Naturalistic Worldview.

#211 – Jesus and Creation – September 11, 2020 = This explains how the Bible shows that Jesus created everything in 6 literal days & how the earth is only about 7,000 years old!

#212 – Why is Biblical Creation So Important? – September 15, 2020 = This shows how, according to Scripture, God created “the heavens and the earth” fully formed and functioning in six days, about 6,000 years ago (around 4000 BC), and then explains why that is so important!

#255 – Top 10 Myths About Creation – February 12, 2021 = This debunks the top 10 myths that our culture is constantly putting forth as fact about Creation.

#259 – Why Does It Have To Be Creation or Evolution? – February 26, 2021 = This article shows how Creation and Evolution are diametrically opposed, and as Christians, we must be extremely careful in not allowing the theory of Evolution, which is an anti-God theory with no actual evidence, to influence our biblical worldview.

#268 – Worldview vs. Socialism – March 30, 2021 = This explains the relationship between Socialism, Naturalism, & Christianity.

For SCIENCE CONFIRMS THE BIBLE Resources, click here or go to Q&A #140.

For APOLOGETICS & WORLDVIEW Resources, click here or go to Q&A #124.

For SANCTITY OF LIFE Resources, click here or go to Q&A #101.

For CROSS Resources, go to Q&A #37.

For CULTURE WAR Resources, go to Q&A #195.


#195 Q&A with Coach Phil – July 17, 2020 – Beware of the ‘Hype Train’ of Culture

#58 – Interpreting the Bible: Introduction – Mar. 13, 2018

#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

#82 – Evolution is a Myth – August 28, 2018 = Understanding Evolution & it’s 4 Fatal Flaws!

#84 – Homosexuality in Youth Ministry – September 11, 2018

#101 – Sanctity of Life – January 8, 2019 = We take a look at the 2 main issues to consider about Abortion!

#113 – Building Immunity to Anti-Christian Ideas – April 2, 2019 = Here are 3 practical steps to help young people combat the anti-Christian worldviews of our culture today!

#135 – Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians – September 3, 2019 = This shows how other worldviews are polluting our Christian young people’s Biblical worldview.

#142 – What is Wrong with the Woke Movement? – October 22, 2019 = This deals with the issue of a new movement that focuses on progressivism but under the guise of righting social injustice.

#155 – The Young Man’s Guide to Awesomeness Critique & Summary – January 21, 2020 = This is a great study book for teen boys to help them become godly young men; the subtitle is… How to Guard Your Heart (deals with thought life, pornography, self-centeredness, masturbation), Get the Girl (how to know when you’re ready), & Save the World (how to build a life that matters, finding God’s will, & overcoming temptation)!

#156 – Is Sex Before Marriage a Sin? – January 28, 2020 = This is a great resource for young people to help them know & understand the biblical principles around the topic of Dating & Sexuality!

#183 – Christians’ Response to Racism, Prejudice, & Injustice in Spite of a Pandemic – June 5, 2020 = This article gives the biblical basis for Christians to love others as ourselves by standing up against injustice, racism, & prejudice.

#186 – Beyond Blind Faith! – June 16, 2020 = This article is a summary of the key proofs of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that will help young people to know & practice the techniques of Apologetics, i.e. an intellectual defense of the truth of Christianity…explaining not only why they believe in Jesus but also why not believing is not a viable option.

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change – July 7, 2020, = This examines the biblical worldview of the environment, plus shows the alarmism behind Climate Change.

#194 – Christians’ Response to the Cancel Culture – July 14, 2020 = This deals with the boycotting or silencing of someone by the use of threats personally, financially, vocationally, politically, or even just to decrease popularity, known as Cancel Culture.

#195 – Beware of the ‘Hype Train’ of Culture – July 17, 2020 = This will help all Christians to be more strategic in “the Battle” that we are fighting (Ephesians 6:10-18) to be salt & light (Matthew 5:13-16) in order to further His Kingdom (Matthew 28:18-20) in the Culture we live in!

#197 – What Does The Bible Say About The Culture War? – July 24, 2020 = This describes the various “cultural conflicts” between Judeo-Christian values/ethics and the more liberal viewpoint on morality in society and what the Bible says we are to do about it!

*#198 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 1 – Introduction – July 28, 2020 = This shows the value of the biblical basis for taking the historical ideals of Chivalry and applying them in modern times!

*#230 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 2 – 3 Ideals of Chivalry (1st Ideal=R.E.A.L. Man & Woman Definition) – November 17, 2020 = This answers the question, from a biblical perspective, “what does it mean to be a REAL man or woman?”

*#231 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 3 – 3 Ideals of Chivalry (2nd Ideal=Code of Conduct) – November 20, 2020 = This deals with 3 Critical Areas, 10 Biblical Ideals of Nobility, 3 Heritages to be Armed with, How to P.R.A.Y., & the Top 10 Faith Compromisers!

*#233 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 4 – 3 Ideals (3rd Ideal = Transcendent Cause) – November 27, 2020 = This deals with Conventional vs Biblical Manhood, the Meaning & Characteristics of Transcendent Cause, 7 Battles Worth Fighting, 7 Strategies to Win These Battles, & How to Remember the 10 Standards of Biblical Manhood = the 10 Commandments!

*#234 – Biblical Chivalry – Part 5 – 10 Strategies = [5] Tacticals + {5} Evangelistics – December 1, 2020 = First, we deal with 5 critical challenges where our teenagers need to be very ‘TACTICAL’ in combatting the schemes of the enemy; Second, we deal with 5 ways to share the life-transforming message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be ‘EVANGELISTIC’ messengers to their generation!

#205 – Fighting the Culture War Against the Odds – August 21, 2020 = This post gives some great ideas for how Christians need to engage in the Culture War!

#206 – Are Traditional Marriage Advocates Homophobes? – August 25, 2020 = This shows why Christians who advocate for traditional marriage, and against homosexual marriage, are often falsely called homophobes.

#209 – 7 Spheres of Cultural Influence – September 4, 2020 = This is a sermon preached by Benny Proffitt that not only deals with the 7 Spheres of Influence on Culture but also the 7 R’s of Revolution to Counter the Culture!

#216 – Kingdoms at War! – September 29, 2020 = This gives some keen insight between the two KINGDOMS AT WAR and the practical application of involvement in politics.

#217 – Advancing International Religious Freedom – October 2, 2020 = This article is a clarion call for all Christians to pray for their country’s leaders!

#218 – How the Media Drives Radical ‘Wokeness’ – October 6, 2020 = This shows how activist journalism is promoting radical racial “wokeness” and how the negative influence of liberal American media has become a global problem.

#221 – Biblical Judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World – October 16, 2020 = This study will help young people have a more biblically correct understanding of the important biblical principle of judging.

#225 – Christian Citizenship: Rights & Responsibilities – October 30, 2020 = This deals with some of the most important civic responsibilities of Christians, some ways to apply the “salt & light” & “love your neighbor” principles, and some obligations in both the spiritual & earthly realms.

#226 – Christian Citizenship – Part 2: Biblical Principles for Political Engagement – November 3, 2020 = This focuses on the biblical foundation for proper involvement in politics.

#228 – Stewardship of the Earth – Part 2 – November 10, 2020 = This examines the Christian’s individual and collective responsibility to be stewards of the earth (environment).

#239 – Salt & Light! – December 18, 2020 = This shows how students can communicate the Gospel message of Jesus by how they share & show His love through their very lives…i.e. being salt & light to the world!

#247 – Life Matters Worldwide! – January 15, 2021 = This is an update on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, the Pandemic, & Abortion.

#248 – What We Should Be Teaching About Race – January 19, 2021 = This deals with What We Should Be Teaching about 1) Racism & Slavery, 2) Critical Race Theory, & 3) Black Lives Matter.

#249 – Politics & Church: 4 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Well – January 22, 2021 = Here are some practical suggestions on how to help young people navigate the waters of political, social, and cultural upheaval like what we have been experiencing during this pandemic.

#255 – Top 10 Myths About Creation – February 12, 2021 = This debunks the top 10 myths that our culture is constantly putting forth as fact about Creation.

#258 – Was There Really a Noah’s Ark & Flood? – February 23, 2021 = This article shows the evidence of Noah’s Ark & the Flood including a defense of the scriptural account of God’s judgment upon the earth by flood.

#259 – Why Does It Have To Be Creation or Evolution? – February 26, 2021 = This article shows how Creation and Evolution are diametrically opposed, and as Christians, we must be extremely careful in not allowing the theory of Evolution, which is an anti-God theory with no actual evidence, to influence our biblical worldview.

#262 – 7 Great Leadership Quotes from MLK – March 9, 2021 = This gives 7 quotes from Dr. King that can still inspire leaders in any field today.

#263 – Internet Ministry – March 12, 2021 = This addresses 4 aspects of Internet Ministry: 1-Definition, 2-Evangelism & Discipleship, 3-Global Connection, 4-Interaction.

#268 – Worldview vs. Socialism – March 30, 2021 = This explains the relationship between Socialism, Naturalism, & Christianity.

#271 – Challenges for Biblical Christianity in a Secular World – April 9, 2021

#277 – Standing Against Godlessness – April 30, 2021 = This has some key insights for enduring persecution and standing against godlessness.

For MORALITY IN SOCIETY Resources, go to Q&A #98.

For SOCIAL MEDIA Resources, go to Q&A #62.

For SPIRITUAL WARFARE Resources, go to Q&A #81.

For WORLDVIEW & APOLOGETICS Resources, go to Q&A #124.

For WOKE Resources, go to Q&A #142.

For DATING & SEXUALITY Resources, go to Q&A #156.


#156 Q&A with Coach Phil – January 28, 2019 – Is Sex Before Marriage a Sin?

#54 – Dating Relationships – Feb. 13, 2018 = How to know WHEN you are ready to date & WHAT to do if you’re not!

#182 – Prerequisites for Dating – June 2, 2020 = This is a great bible study for a young person to complete before they start datng!

#105 – Dating Covenant – February 5, 2019 = We look at a Dating Covenant between Teens & Parents!

#159 – What is Love? – February 18, 2020 = This is a Summary of what the Bible teaches on what love is, the different types of love in the Bible, what the Bible says about romantic love, familial love, neighborly love, & why love is the greatest command!

#84 – 7 Myths of Homosexuality – September 11, 2018 = Here’s how to help a young person in your Youth Group who “comes out of the closet.”

Homosexuality & the Bible – www.phil120brown.com/bible-studies

#101 – Sanctity of Life – January 8, 2019 = We take a look at the 2 main issues to consider about Abortion!

#102 – A  R.E.A.L. Man – January 15, 2019 = We take a look at the Definition of a R.E.A.L. Man, plus numerous aspects of Chivalry!

#118 – The TEEN Commandments – May 7, 2019 = These are 10 principles that are very timely for the challenges that teenagers face in today’s culture!

#142 – What is Wrong with the Woke Movement? – October 22, 2019 = This deals with the issue of a new movement that focuses on progressivism but under the guise of righting social injustice.

#155 – The Young Man’s Guide to Awesomeness Critique & Summary – January 21, 2020 = This is a great study book for teen boys to help them become godly young men; the subtitle is… How to Guard Your Heart, Get the Girl, & Save the World!

#158 – P.U.R.I.T.Y. Training – February 11, 2020 = This is a Summary of what the Bible teaches on how we are to train ourselves in godliness, holiness, & purity and to avoid sexual immorality!

#184 – 7 Strategies to Win the Temptation Battle! – June 9, 2020 = This focuses on Strategies of how we can use God’s Scripture, Spirit, & Servants to fight Temptation.

#198 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 1 – Introduction – July 28, 2020 = This shows the value of the biblical basis for taking the historical ideals of Chivalry and applying them in modern times!

#206 – Are Traditional Marriage Advocates Homophobes? – August 25, 2020 = This shows why Christians who advocate for traditional marriage, and against homosexual marriage, are often falsely called homophobes & how to handle it.

#284 – What is Your Love Language? – June 1, 2021 – This shows us how to do better in all of our relationships, especially with those young people that are hard to love.

For DISCIPLESHIP / FOLLOW-UP Resources, go to Q&A #7.


#7 Q&A with Coach Phil – March 21, 2017 – Connection / Follow-up & the Monthly Club Ministry Report

#107 – Personal Evangelism Follow-up – February 19, 2019 = This deals with the process for doing immediate follow-up with the person that you just led to faith in Christ!

#108 – Feet Time & Heart Time – February 26, 2019 = This deals with Spending Daily Time with God in the Morning AND Evening!

#127 – Spiritual Growth Basics – July 9, 2019 = This focuses on the issue of the Spiritual Disciplines that a Follower of Jesus Needs in their life.

#147 – A Meal that will make Students Hungry – November 26, 2019 = This is about how to teach students to feed themselves spiritually!

#9 – Focus Groups – Apr. 4, 2017 = Small groups that meet during the Focus Week meeting for Accountability & Discipleship.

#96 – Eternal Security of the Believer – December 4, 2018 = TOP 20 BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES affirming the theological truth of “Once Saved Always Saved!”

#210 – What About The Church? – September 8, 2020 = This is a Bible study on scriptural principles for understanding THE CHURCH and why it is so important for every follower of Jesus to be actively involved in one!


*#108 – Feet Time & Heart Time – February 26, 2019 = This deals with Spending Daily Time with God in the Morning AND Evening!

*#9 – Focus Groups – Apr. 4, 2017 = Small groups that meet during the Focus Week meeting for Accountability & Discipleship.

*#40 – Happy Birthday – Nov. 7, 2017 = TWO BIRTHDAYS are necessary for Heaven…1) a physical birthday & 2) a spiritual birthday!!

*#127 – Spiritual Growth Basics – July 9, 2019 = This focuses on the issue of the Spiritual Disciplines that a Follower of Jesus Needs in their life.

*#147 – A Meal that will make Students Hungry – November 26, 2019 = This is about how to teach students to feed themselves spiritually!

*#58 – Interpreting the Bible: Introduction – Mar. 13, 2018 = Definition of terms, conclusion, clarification, & practical application.

*#161 – Reading the Bible All Wrong?! – March 3, 2020 = This focuses on 3 Faulty Trends of Interpreting the Bible that are in widespread use today.

*#252 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 1 – February 2, 2021 = This lists six principles that can guide us to study and interpret God’s Word!

*#253 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 2 – February 5, 2021 = This explains how to properly interpret Scripture by applying the 6 key principles from Part 1 and using Genesis 1-11 as the focal point.

*#181 – Top 10 Faith Compromisers – May 29, 2020 = This covers tactics that the enemy wants to use to bring about compromise in the lives of Christians.

*#184 – 7 Strategies to Win the Temptation Battle! – June 9, 2020 = This focuses on Strategies of how we can use God’s Scripture, Spirit, & Servants to fight Temptation.

*#115 – Principles of P.R.A.Y.E.R. – April 16, 2019 = Here are some Principles of Prayer that will help our young people release the Power of God in their lives!

*#35 – Proving the Bible – Oct. 3, 2017 = The Bible is 1) the REVELATION of God, 2) RELIABLE, 3) RELEVANT!

*#186 – Beyond Blind Faith! – June 16, 2020 = This article is a summary of the key proofs of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that will help young people to know & practice the techniques of Apologetics, i.e. an intellectual defense of the truth of Christianity…explaining not only why they believe in Jesus but also why not believing is not a viable option.

*#39 – Real Jesus – Oct. 31, 2017 = The REAL JESUS reminds us that He must be the CENTRAL FOCUS of our ministry with young people!

*#52 – Disciple-Making – Jan. 30, 2018 = Relational + Transformational = Missional!

*#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

*#88 – The Power of Your Testimony – October 9, 2018 = Here is a simple format to use to make sure your Testimony is an Evangelistic Tool!

*#94 – What is Truth? – November 20, 2018 = The history of Truth & it’s source, and the 3 premises of Truth.

*#96 – Eternal Security of the Believer – December 4, 2018 = TOP 20 BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES affirming the theological truth of “Once Saved Always Saved!”

*#129 – Hearing the Voice of God – July 23, 2019 = This deals with Learning to Hear and Obey the Voice of God.

*#132 – How to Read the Bible Chronologically – August 13, 2019 = This shows how reading the Bible in historical order can equip us to understand its narrative more clearly and see it from a fresh perspective.

*#134 – Does God Really Send People to Hell? – August 27, 2019 = This deals with the place of eternal banishment for all those who choose not to be followers of Jesus = Hell.

*#139 – Jesus on Creation – October 1, 2019 = If Jesus really is our Lord, then we must have the same views as Him on everything, especially on the issue of Creation.

*#140 – Science Confirms the Bible: Part 1 – October 8, 2019 = This hits head-on in debunking one of the biggest myths that our culture tries to put forth as fact.

*#148 – Secrets to a Successful Christian Life – December 3, 2019 = Here are some Biblical Principles to be Prosperous & Successful!

*#149 – Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven! – December 10, 2019 = This deals with How to Know Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven & What to Say to Those Who Object.

*#158 – P.U.R.I.T.Y. Training – February 11, 2020 = This is a Summary of what the Bible teaches on how we are to train ourselves in godliness, holiness, & purity and to avoid sexual immorality!

*#166 – Jesus’ Last Words: The Power & Meaning of “It is Finished!” – April 7, 2020 = This details the background & powerful meaning of Jesus’ last words on the Cross!

*#167 – Jesus’ Last Words: Part 2 – Jesus’ 7 Last Words on the Cross! – April 10, 2020 = This explains the significance of the Last 7 Phrases that Jesus said on the Cross!

*#168 – What Do the Cross and Resurrection Mean for Us? – April 14, 2020 = This shows that since the Message of the Cross & Resurrection are the apex of everything Christians are about, that we must be constantly teaching & training the young people we work with to understand it & share it with their generation!!!

*#169 – Eyewitness Testimony That’ll Make You Never Doubt the Resurrection Again!!! – April 17, 2020 = This includes interviews with three well-known Christian apologists to show the unquestionable proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus!!!

*#170 – What’s Up With Those 500 Witnesses? – April 21, 2020 = This details the account of the 500+ eyewitnesses that the resurrected Jesus appeared to all at one time that Paul refers to in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8!

*#172  – Jesus’ Last Words: Part 3 – Between the Resurrection & Ascension! – April 28, 2020 = This details the order of Jesus’ appearances and the words He spoke between His Resurrection & Ascension!

*#174 – Coach Phil’s Top 101 Favorite Bible Verses / Passages! – May 5, 2020 = This Scripture list will help anyone to “stay on the path of purity” (Ps. 119:9) by “hiding God’s Word in their hearts” (Ps. 119:11)!

*#178 – Jesus’ Last Words:  Part 4 – The (Five) Great Commission(s) – May 19, 2020 = This article takes a look at all five scripture passages in the New Testament that come together to make up the whole picture of the “Great Commission.”

*#190 – Explaining the Trinity – June 30, 2020 = This gives biblical proof to help young people wrap their minds around the incredible truth of the TRINITY!

*#191 – Freedom In Christ! – July 3, 2020 = This describes how anyone can experience the only real freedom on the planet!

*#198 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 1 – Introduction – July 28, 2020 = This shows the value of the biblical basis for taking the historical ideals of Chivalry and applying them in modern times!

*#230 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 2 – 3 Ideals of Chivalry (1st Ideal=R.E.A.L. Man & Woman Definition) – November 17, 2020 = This answers the question, from a biblical perspective, “what does it mean to be a REAL man or woman?”

*#231 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 3 – 3 Ideals of Chivalry (2nd Ideal=Code of Conduct) – November 20, 2020 = This deals with 3 Critical Areas, 10 Biblical Ideals of Nobility, 3 Heritages to be Armed with, How to P.R.A.Y., & the Top 10 Faith Compromisers!

#233 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 4 – 3 Ideals (3rd Ideal = Transcendent Cause) – November 27, 2020 = This deals with Conventional vs Biblical Manhood, the Meaning & Characteristics of Transcendent Cause, 7 Battles Worth Fighting, 7 Strategies to Win These Battles, & How to Remember the 10 Standards of Biblical Manhood = the 10 Commandments!

*#199 – Charles Finney: Father of Modern Revivalism – July 31, 2020 = This is a great history lesson on Revival and Spiritual Awakening that could really help us during this time of turmoil in the world!

*#210 – What About The Church? – September 7, 2020 = This is a Bible study on scriptural principles for understanding THE CHURCH!

*#213 – Only Two Worldviews? – September 18, 2020 = This explains how the Bible shows us that there are only two worldviews:  Man’s way and God’s way!

*#219 – 5 Hearts: It’s All About the Heart! – October 9, 2020 = This is a great message you can use to communicate to young people about their priorities and is also a great evangelistic tool!

*#224 – The Secret to Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit! – October 27, 2020 = This article explains that following Jesus and walking with the Holy Spirit comes down to one simple truth…

#49 – Teamwork – Jan. 9, 2018 = Teamwork makes the Dream work!

#50 – Greatness – Jan. 16, 2018 = Everybody can be Great because Everybody can Serve!

#51 – Persecution – Jan. 23, 2018 = Boast about your Perseverance and Faith in all the Persecutions and Trials!

#52 – Disciple-Making – Jan. 30, 2018 = Relational + Transformational = Missional!

#53 – Self-Management – Feb. 6, 2018 = Guard your heart, Internal Game Plan, Self-Leadership…key to be an authentic Jesus follower!

#55 – Influence – Feb. 20, 2018 = One word definition of Leadership is Influence…Salt & Light!

#57 – Patience – Mar. 6, 2018 = Keep calm & have patience by trusting that God knows best & His timing is best!

#61 – How We Know Jesus is Alive – April 3, 2018 = Here are 7 alternate explanations of the resurrection, and the answer for each!

#75 – Certification #7 – July 10, 2018 = Making Disciples!

#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

#77 – Personal Worship – July 24, 2018 = Worshipping in Spirit and Truth!

#78 – The Power of Words – July 31, 2018 = 7 Principles for Using Words for Good!

#79 – Students Reaching Students – August 7, 2018 = The Biggest Influence on a Teenager is a Peer!

#80 – Why a Christian Worldview Matters – August 14, 2018 = We define worldview, some secular worldviews, & especially the Christian worldview!

#81 – Spiritual Warfare 101 – August 21, 2018 = Here’s How We Keep from being Deceived by the Enemy’s Schemes!

#82 – Evolution is a Myth – August 28, 2018 = Understanding Evolution & it’s 4 Fatal Flaws!

#83 – 8th of the Beatitudes – September 4, 2018 = Blessed are the persecuted for great is your reward in Heaven!

#95 – Becoming a Velvet-Covered Brick – November 27, 2018 = Four principles that Jesus Christ demonstrated for winning people instead of just winning arguments!

#97 – Know the Gospel – December 11, 2018 = This Gospel presentation includes a tract, a bracelet, & an App for your Smartphone!”

#104 – Never Too Young to be Used by God – January 29, 2019 = We look at 10 Biblical Examples of How God Used Young People!

#110 – Leading a Bible Study – March 12 2019 = This is a very simple process for Preparing & Leading a Bible Study!

#118 – The TEEN Commandments – May 7, 2019 = These are 10 principles that are very timely for the challenges that teenagers face in today’s culture!

#128 – 7 Top Biblical Principles 4 Every Teen – July 16, 2019 = This deals with 7 Biblical Principles to help Every Teen live out the Christian Life Successfully.

#135 – Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians – September 3, 2019 = This shows how other worldviews are polluting our Christian young people’s Biblical worldview.

#136 – Why Does Creation Matter? – September 10, 2019 = This gives some incredible information about why Creation & the Age of the Earth are so important to the reliability of Scripture & the Gospel message!

#137 – What is Biblical Creation & Why is it Important? – September 17, 2019 = This gives some great information about Biblical Creation & how it is the basis for the Gospel!

#138 – Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? – September 24, 2019 = This delivers some great information showing the Differences Between the God of the Bible & the god of the Qur’an.

#142 – What is Wrong with the Woke Movement? – October 22, 2019 = This deals with the issue of a new movement that focuses on progressivism but under the guise of righting social injustice.

#153 – Alleged Disproofs of God’s Existence – January 7, 2020 = We deal with ways to respond to these 4 arguments that attempt to disprove the existence of God!

#154 – 10 Spiritual Challenges to Set the Pace for the New Year – January 14, 2020 = We deal with a fresh approach to New Years Resolutions… a Spiritual Decathlon!

#163 – Christians’ Response to the Wuhan Coronavirus:  The Difference Between Concern and Worry – March 17, 2020 = This shows us Christians How to Respond Properly to Situations that tempt us to worry, and How to use situations like this as opportunities to share the Hope and Truth of the Gospel!

#165 – No Matter What, I Got Your B.A.C.K.! – March 31, 2020 = This details some practical & scriptural “how to’s” to achieve unity by using the word B.A.C.K. as an acrostic!

#176 – Study the Bible Like Billy Graham! – May 12, 2020 = This gives some great ideas from the infamous evangelist Billy Graham’s own description of how he studied the Bible to see if we can find some good advice and encouragement for our own study in the Word.

#177  – Giving to God! – May 15, 2020 = This lists & describes 4 THINGS WE CAN OFFER TO GOD—each of these is given to us by God, and each of them should be given back in God-honoring ways.

#179 – Days of Creation! – May 22, 2020 = This article contains a massive amount of biblical (historical & theological) info on the Creation!

#180 – What Does the Bible Say About Dinosaurs?! – May 26, 2020 = This details how the Bible gives us a framework for explaining dinosaurs in terms of thousands of years of history, including the mystery of when they lived and what happened to them.

#183 – Christians’ Response to Racism, Prejudice, & Injustice in Spite of a Pandemic – June 5, 2020 = This article gives the biblical basis for Christians to love others as ourselves by standing up against injustice, racism, & prejudice.

#188 – 5 Myths About Studying the Bible – June 23, 2020 = This article goes through 5 myths that show just how important it is for us to make time to study the Bible!

#189 – Top 10 Bible ‘Must-Knows’ – June 26, 2020 = This will show you where we need to dig deeper into the Word of God & discover the wealth of Biblical Basics!

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change – July 7, 2020, = This examines the biblical worldview of the environment, plus shows the alarmism behind Climate Change.

#193 – Stewardship: Part 3 – Caretakers of the Redeemer’s Resources – July 10, 2020 = This address how to steward the temporal with focus on the eternal.

#194 – Christians’ Response to the Cancel Culture – July 14, 2020 = This deals with the boycotting or silencing of someone by the use of threats personally, financially, vocationally, politically, or even just to decrease popularity, known as Cancel Culture.

#195 – Beware of the ‘Hype Train’ of Culture – July 17, 2020 = This will help all Christians to be more strategic in “the Battle” that we are fighting (Ephesians 6:10-18) to be salt & light (Matthew 5:13-16) in order to further His Kingdom (Matthew 28:18-20) in the Culture we live in!

#196 – Foundations for Followers of Jesus! – July 21, 2020 = This info will help take a new disciple and get them on the journey to become a disciple that looks like Jesus!

#197 – What Does The Bible Say About The Culture War? – July 24, 2020 = This describes the various “cultural conflicts” between Judeo-Christian values/ethics and the more liberal viewpoint on morality in society and what the Bible says we are to do about it!

#200 – 10K Reasons to Believe – August 4, 2020 = This is a Bible study based on the song “10K” by KB that deals with some of the 10,000 reasons to believe in, trust in, and worship God!

#201 – Why Does It Matter That Jesus Was Jewish? – August 7, 2020 = This deals with the fact that the Messiah had to be a Jew in order to fulfill all the Messianic prophecies!

#203 – Which OT Laws Are Christians To Obey? – August 14, 2020 = This article answers the question by explaining the 3 Types of OT Law:  Civil, Ceremonial, & Moral.

#207 – The Really Amazing Race – August 28, 2020 = This is a great Bible study that contains some great practical ways to run this race we call the “Christian life” or in more biblical terms “Following Jesus!”

#208 – 5 Things We Need to Know About the Holy Spirit – September 1, 2020 = This article gives some powerful biblical insight into who the Holy Spirit is!

#209 – 7 Spheres of Cultural Influence – September 4, 2020 = This is a sermon preached by Benny Proffitt that not only deals with the 7 Spheres of Influence on Culture but also the 7 R’s of Revolution to Counter the Culture!

#211 – Jesus and Creation – September 11, 2020 = This explains how the Bible shows that Jesus created everything in 6 literal days & how the earth is only about 6,000 to 7,000 years old!

#212 – Why is Biblical Creation So Important? – September 15, 2020 = This shows how, according to Scripture, God created “the heavens and the earth” fully formed and functioning in six days, about 6,000 years ago (around 4000 BC), and then explains why that is so important!

#215 – Importance of Fasting and Prayer – September 25, 2020 = This focuses on the spiritual disciplines of Fasting and Prayer, the power of them being exercised together, and some practical suggestions.

#216 – Kingdoms at War! – September 29, 2020 = This gives some keen insight between the two KINGDOMS AT WAR and the practical application of involvement in politics.

#220 – Hitting the Reset Button! – October 13, 2020 = This study shows us how grace is a lot like a reset button on a video game!

#221 – Biblical Judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World – October 16, 2020 = This study will help young people have a more biblically correct understanding of the important biblical principle of judging.

#225 – Christian Citizenship: Rights & Responsibilities – October 30, 2020 = This deals with some of the most important civic responsibilities of Christians, some ways to apply the “salt & light” & “love your neighbor” principles, and some obligations in both the spiritual & earthly realms.

#226 – Christian Citizenship – Part 2: Biblical Principles for Political Engagement – November 3, 2020 = This focuses on the biblical foundation for proper involvement in politics.

#227 – D.R.I.F.T. Danger – November 6, 2020 = This bible study focuses on the danger of drifting from Christ and whole-hearted devotion to His purposes and His people.

#229 – What Makes a Great Church? – November 13, 2020 = This explains the phrase, “A Great Church is made up of Great Disciples with a Great Commitment to the Great Command and the Great Commission!”

#235 – Joy to the World! – December 4, 2020  = This is a Bible study that is based on a newly revamped Christmas Carol entitled “Joy to the World” by for KING & COUNTRY on their new Christmas album “A Drummer Boy Christmas.”

#239 – Salt & Light! – December 18, 2020 = This shows how students can communicate the Gospel message of Jesus by how they share & show His love through their very lives…i.e. being salt & light to the world!

#251 – How to Defend God’s Word – January 29, 2021 = This article shows how to use apologetics to faithfully communicate the truths of the Bible to point to the hope we have in Christ!

#255 – Top 10 Myths About Creation – February 12, 2021 = This debunks the top 10 myths that our culture is constantly putting forth as fact about Creation.

#270 – Who Cut In On You? – April 6, 2021 = This is a Bible study that looks at the parallel of “living the Christian life” and “running a race” from both spiritual and practical perspectives.

#272 – 21 Historical Christians We Should Know – April 13, 2021 = This details the lives of 21 leaders from church history who have inspired every generation of believers toward a greater passion for Jesus and being His ‘totally surrendered’ followers.

#276 – Top 12 Biblical Virtues – April 27, 2021 = Here are 12 important Biblical Virtues that will help young people build the character and integrity necessary to achieve real success, strong relationships, and a God-honoring life!

For EASTER (The Cross & Resurrection) Resources, go to Q&A #37.

EASTER (Cross, Resurrection, & Ascension) Resources:

#37 Q&A with Coach Phil – October 17, 2017 – The Gospel of Jesus!

#39 – Real Jesus – Oct. 31, 2017 = The REAL JESUS reminds us that He must be the CENTRAL FOCUS of our ministry with young people!

#61 – How We Know Jesus is Alive – April 3, 2018 = Here are 7 alternate explanations of the resurrection, and the answer for each!

#64 – Jesus’ Tomb in Empty! – April 24, 2018 = Some of the 14 Evidences that prove that the Garden Tomb site is genuine & accurate for where Jesus was buried!

#73 – Certification #6 – June 26, 2018 = The Gospel – The Hope of Christ!

#149 – Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven! – December 10, 2019 = This deals with How to Know Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven & What to Say to Those Who Object.

#166 – Jesus’ Last Words: The Power & Meaning of “It is Finished!” – April 7, 2020 = This details the background & powerful meaning of Jesus’ last words on the Cross!

#167 – Jesus’ Last Words: Part 2 – Jesus’ 7 Last Words on the Cross! – April 10, 2020 = This explains the significance on the Last 7 Phrases that Jesus said on the Cross!

#168 – What Do the Cross and Resurrection Mean for Us? – April 14, 2020 = This shows that since the Message of the Cross & Resurrection are the apex of everything Christians are about, that we must be constantly teaching & training the young people we work with to understand it & share it with their generation!!!

#169 – Eyewitness Testimony That’ll Make You Never Doubt the Resurrection Again!!! – April 17, 2020 = This includes interviews with three well-known Christian apologists to show the unquestionable proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus!!!

#170 – What’s Up With Those 500 Witnesses? – April 21, 2020 = This details the account of the 500+ eyewitnesses that the resurrected Jesus appeared to all at one time that Paul refers to in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8!

#172  – Jesus’ Last Words: Part 3 – Between the Resurrection & Ascension! – April 28, 2020 = This details the order of Jesus’ appearances and the words He spoke between His Resurrection & Ascension!

#178 – Jesus’ Last Words:  Part 4 – The (Five) Great Commission(s) – May 19, 2020 = This article takes a look at all five scripture passages in the New Testament that come together to make up the whole picture of the “Great Commission.”

#186 – Beyond Blind Faith! – June 16, 2020 = This article is a summary of the key proofs of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that will help young people to know & practice the techniques of Apologetics, i.e. an intellectual defense of the truth of Christianity…explaining not only why they believe in Jesus but also why not believing is not a viable option.

#191 – Freedom In Christ! – July 3, 2020 = This describes how anyone can experience the only real freedom on the planet! 

For more EVANGELISM Resources or go to Q&A #144.

For END TIMES Resources, go to Q&A #256.

END TIMES Resources:

#256 Q&A with Coach Phil – February 16, 2021 – End Times

#264 – End Times – Part 2 – March 16, 2021

#277 – Standing Against Godlessness – April 30, 2021 = This has some key insights for enduring persecution and standing against godlessness.

APOLOGETICS & WORLDVIEW Resources, click here or go to Q&A #124.

CORONAVIRUS / COVID19 / PANDEMIC Resources, click here or go to Q&A #163.

CULTURE WAR Resources, click here or go to Q&A #195.

EVANGELISM Resources, click here or go to Q&A #144.

EVOLUTION vs. CREATION Resources, click here or go to Q&A #82.

MORALITY IN SOCIETY Resources, click here or go to Q&A #98.

POLITICS Resources, click here or go to Q&A #249.

REVIVAL & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Resources, click here or go to Q&A #199.

SANCTITY OF LIFE Resources, click here or go to Q&A #101.

SCIENCE Resources, click here or go to Q&A #140.

SOCIAL MEDIA / INTERNET Resources, click here or go to Q&A #62.

WOKE Resources, click here or go to Q&A #142.

**For EVANGELISM Resources, go to Q&A #144.

#144 Q&A with Coach Phil – November 5, 2019 – Evangelism Resources

EVANGELISM Resources in Q&A with Coach Phil:


  1. The Romans Road GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #86) This Gospel presentation lays out the plan of salvation through a series of Bible verses from the book of Romans!
  2. The Gospel in Your Hand GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #87) This is one of the more recent Gospel techniques that has been very effective among young people by using the fingers on your hand to guide your Gospel presentation!
  3. The Bridge / One Verse Method GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #89) = This is a Gospel presentation that uses One Verse (Romans 6:23) to explain the whole Bible and also uses the Cross as the Bridge!
  4. Life in 6 Words (G.O.S.P.E.L.) GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #90) Also known as the Gospel in 6 Words is summarized by using the word gospel as an acrosticG.O.S.P.E.L. = God, Our, Sins, Paying, Everyone, Life!
  5. The F.A.I.T.H. GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #92) This is a Gospel presentation that uses the word F.A.I.T.H. as an acrostic for the main points of the Gospel: Forgiveness, Available, Impossible, Turn, Heaven!
  6. Know the Gospel GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #97) This Gospel presentation includes a tract, a bracelet, & an App for your Smartphone!
  7. The Evangelism Explosion GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #106) This Gospel presentation uses 5 points:  Grace, Man, God, Christ, Faith!
  8. The Gospel in Colors GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #112) This is a Gospel presentation that uses colors to represent the key points, and is also known as the WORDLESS BOOK or the GOSPEL COLOR BRACELET!
  9. What is the Gospel According to Scripture? GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #116) = This is the Gospel according to 1 Corinthians 15:3-4!
  10. Evangelism Game, including the Gospel in a Rap/Rhyme GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #143) = This gives the details of a great Outreach Event you can use for a First Priority Club or a Youth Group!
  11. 3 Story Evangelism GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #145) = This is an evangelism presentation that uses THEIR story, YOUR story, & GOD’S story to present the Gospel!


  1. Campus Missionary Resources (Q&A #25) = Overview, Vision-casting, Process, Training, Commitment, Commissioning, Coaching, & Additional Resources for Campus Missionaries!
  2. Gospel of Jesus (Q&A #37) = Helping Students understand the Good News of Jesus, the Cross, & the Resurrection!
  3. Real Jesus (Q&A #39) = The REAL JESUS reminds us that He must be the CENTRAL FOCUS of our ministry with young people!
  4. Happy Birthday (Q&A #40) = TWO BIRTHDAYS are necessary for Heaven…1) a physical birthday & 2) a spiritual birthday!!
  5. Influence (Q&A #55) = One word definition of Leadership is Influence…Salt & Light!
  6. How We Know Jesus is Alive (Q&A #61) = Here are 7 alternate explanations of the resurrection, and the answer for each!
  7. Social Media (Q&A #62) = 4 Tactics to Advance the Gospel on Social Media!
  8. The Gospel – The Hope of Christ (Q&A #73) Why the Gospel is Good News & How to Write Out Your Faith Story!
  9. The Power of Your Testimony in Presenting the Gospel (Q&A #88) Here is a simple format to use to make sure your testimony is an evangelistic tool!
  10. Bridges into the Gospel (Q&A #91) 3 “bridges” to take a regular conversation and turn it into a Gospel conversation!
  11. Becoming a Velvet-covered Brick (how to win people instead of debates) (Q&A #95) Four principles that Jesus Christ demonstrated for winning people instead of just winning arguments!
  12. Eternal Security of the Believer (Q&A #96) TOP 20 BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES affirming the theological truth of “Once Saved Always Saved!”
  13. Personal Evangelism Follow-Up (Q&A #107) This deals with the process for doing immediate follow-up with the person that you just led to faith in Christ!
  14. Praying for our Students as Missionaries to their School (Q&A #114) Here are some practical ways to help young people see themselves as missionaries to their schools so they can be light in their culture!
  15. Does God Really Send Good People to Hell? (Q&A #134) = This deals with the place of eternal banishment for all those who choose not to be followers of Jesus = Hell.
  16. What is Biblical Creation & Why is it Important? (Q&A #137) = This gives some great information about Biblical Creation & how it is the basis for the Gospel!
  17. Evangelism Game, including the Gospel in a Rhyme GOSPEL PRESENTATION (Q&A #143) = This gives the details of a great Outreach Event you can use for a First Club or a Youth Group!
  18. Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven! (Q&A #149)= This deals with How to Know Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven & What to Say to Those Who Object.
  19. Dealing with Death-Remembering Kobe Bryant (Q&A #160) = This provides insight for Christians in dealing with the reality of death & helping others who are going through the grieving process.
  20. “The CAMEL:  How Muslims are Coming to Faith in Christ” Critique & Summary! (Q&A #162) = This deals with How to Share the Gospel with Muslims by using the Qur’an as a Bridge!
  21. Christians’ Response to the Wuhan Coronavirus:  The Difference Between Concern and Worry (Q&A #163) = This shows us Christians How to Respond Properly to Situations that tempt us to worry, and How to use situations like this as opportunities to share the Hope and Truth of the Gospel!
  22. Jesus’ Last Words: The Power & Meaning of “It is Finished!” (Q&A #166) = This details the background & powerful meaning of Jesus’ last words on the Cross!
  23. Jesus’ Last Words: Part 2 – Jesus’ 7 Last Words on the Cross! (Q&A #167) = This explains the significance of the Last 7 Phrases that Jesus said on the Cross!
  24. What Do the Cross and Resurrection Mean for Us? (Q&A 168) = This shows that since the Message of the Cross & Resurrection are the apex of everything Christians are about, that we must be constantly teaching & training the young people we work with to understand it & share it with their generation!!!
  25. Eyewitness Testimony That’ll Make You Never Doubt the Resurrection Again!!! (Q&A #169) = This includes interviews with three well-known Christian apologists to show the unquestionable proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus!!!
  26. What’s Up With Those 500 Witnesses? (Q&A #170) This details the account of the 500+ eyewitnesses that the resurrected Jesus appeared to all at one time that Paul refers to in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8!
  27. Jesus’ Last Words: Part 3 – Between the Resurrection & Ascension! (Q&A #172) = This details the order of Jesus’ appearances and the words He spoke between His Resurrection & Ascension!
  28. Jesus’ Last Words:  Part 4 – The (Five) Great Commission(s) (Q&A #178) = This article takes a look at all five scripture passages in the New Testament that come together to make up the whole picture of the “Great Commission.”
  29. Beyond Blind Faith! (Q&A #186) = This article is a summary of the key proofs of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that will help young people to know & practice the techniques of Apologetics, i.e. an intellectual defense of the truth of Christianity…explaining not only why they believe in Jesus but also why not believing is not a viable option.
  30. Freedom In Christ! (Q&A #191) This describes how anyone can experience the only real freedom on the planet!
  31. Charles Finney: Father of Modern Revivalism (Q&A #199) = This is a great history lesson on Revival and Spiritual Awakening that could really help us during this time of turmoil in the world!
  32. 5 Hearts: It’s All About the Heart! (Q&A #219) = This is a great message you can use to communicate to young people about their priorities and is also a great evangelistic tool!
  33. What Makes a Great Church? (Q&A #229) = This explains the phrase, “A Great Church is made up of Great Disciples with a Great Commitment to the Great Command and the Great Commission!”
  34. Biblical Chivalry – Part 5 – 10 Strategies = [5] Tacticals + {5} Evangelistics (Q&A #234) = First, we deal with 5 critical challenges where our teenagers need to be very ‘TACTICAL’ in combatting the schemes of the enemy; Second, we deal with 5 GOSPEL PRESENTATIONS to share the life-transforming message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be ‘EVANGELISTIC’ messengers to their generation!
  35. Joy to the World! (Q&A #235) = This is a Bible study that is based on a newly revamped Christmas Carol entitled “Joy to the World” by For KING & COUNTRY on their new Christmas album “A Drummer Boy Christmas.”
  36. Wise Men Still Seek Jesus! (Q&A 237) = This study looks at 3 Lessons that we can learn from the Wise Men!
  37. Salt & Light! (Q&A #239) = This shows how students can communicate the Gospel message of Jesus by how they share & show His love through their very lives…i.e. being salt & light to the world!
  38. Internet Ministry (Q&A #263) = This addresses 4 aspects of Internet Ministry: 1-Definition, 2-Evangelism & Discipleship, 3-Global Connection, 4-Interaction.
  39. Worldview & Witness (Q&A #266) = To truly grasp the nature of witness in our modern pluralistic world, it is necessary to move beyond a simple knowledge of how to share the Gospel message & get to that place where we can lay a foundation that can only be set based on a knowledge of worldview.

For EVOLUTION vs. CREATION Resources, go to Q&A #82.

*For the FIRST PRIORITY BASICS & KEY Resources, go to Q&A #1.


*For the FIRST PRIORITY TRAINING FOLLOW-UP Steps:  Launching First Priority, go to Q&A #164.

For FOLLOW-UP / DISCIPLESHIP Resources, go to Q&A #7.

For GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM Resources, go to Q&A #117.


#117 Q&A with Coach Phil – April 30, 2019 – Gospel of the Kingdom: King Jesus

#125 – The Gospel of the Kingdom:  The Message – June 25, 2019 = This is about understanding the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

#126 – The Gospel of the Kingdom:  Citizenship – July 2, 2019 = This focuses on the question “What does it mean to be a Citizen of the Kingdom of God?”

#219 – 5 Hearts: It’s All About the Heart! – October 9, 2020 = This is a great message you can use to communicate to young people about their priorities and is also a great evangelistic tool!

#256 – End Times – February 16, 2021 = This is a brief overview of events that the Bible reveals will happen in the End Times and how to prepare for them.

For INTERNET / SOCIAL MEDIA Resources, go to Q&A #62.


#62 Q&A with Coach Phil – 4 Tactics to Advance the Gospel on Social Media – April 10, 2018

#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

#130 – 5 Social Media Tips – July 30, 2019 = This deals with some very wise ways that we can help our young people to Keep Social Media in its Place.

#142 – What is Wrong with the Woke Movement? – October 22, 2019 = This deals with the issue of a new movement that focuses on progressivism but under the guise of righting social injustice.

#146 – Teens & Technology – November 19, 2019 = This deals with two main questions: 1) What is out there that we need to know about? 2) What type of filters or controls are available?

#149 – Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven! – December 10, 2019 = This deals with How to Know Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven & What to Say to Those Who Object.

#183 – Christians’ Response to Racism, Prejudice, & Injustice in Spite of a Pandemic – June 5, 2020 = This article gives the biblical basis for Christians to love others as ourselves by standing up against injustice, racism, & prejudice.

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change – July 7, 2020, = This examines the biblical worldview of the environment, plus shows the alarmism behind Climate Change.

#194 – Christians’ Response to the Cancel Culture – July 14, 2020 = This deals with the boycotting or silencing of someone by the use of threats personally, financially, vocationally, politically, or even just to decrease popularity, known as Cancel Culture.

#195 – Beware of the ‘Hype Train’ of Culture – July 17, 2020 = This will help all Christians to be more strategic in “the Battle” that we are fighting (Ephesians 6:10-18) to be salt & light (Matthew 5:13-16) in order to further His Kingdom (Matthew 28:18-20) in the Culture we live in!

#197 – What Does The Bible Say About The Culture War? – July 24, 2020 = This describes the various “cultural conflicts” between Judeo-Christian values/ethics and the more liberal viewpoint on morality in society and what the Bible says we are to do about it!

#218 – How the Media Drives Radical ‘Wokeness’ – October 6, 2020 = This shows how activist journalism is promoting radical racial “wokeness” and how the negative influence of liberal American media has become a global problem.

#239 – Salt & Light! – December 18, 2020 = This shows how students can communicate the Gospel message of Jesus by how they share & show His love through their very lives…i.e. being salt & light to the world!

#249 – Politics & Church: 4 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Well – January 22, 2021 = Here are some practical suggestions on how to help young people navigate the waters of political, social, and cultural upheaval like what we have been experiencing during this pandemic.

#263 – Internet Ministry – March 12, 2021 = This addresses 4 aspects of Internet Ministry: 1-Definition, 2-Evangelism & Discipleship, 3-Global Connection, 4-Interaction.

#279 – 5 Habits for Cultivating Wisdom Online – May 7, 2021 = The Internet and social media can help us become wise, but only if we approach them with great care and intention.

For ABSOLUTE TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #59.

For APOLOGETICS & WORLDVIEW Resources, click here or go to Q&A #124.

For the BIBLE AS TRUTH Resources, click here or go to Q&A #35.

For CREATION Resources, click here or go to Q&A #82.

For EVANGELISM Resources, click here or go to Q&A #144.

For MORALITY IN SOCIETY Resources, click here or go to Q&A #98.

For NEW CHRISTIAN or Rededication / Renewal Spiritual Growth Basics, click here or go to Q&A #127.

For POLITICS Resources, click here or go to Q&A #249.

For SANCTITY OF LIFE Resources, click here or go to Q&A #101.

For SCIENCE Resources, click here or go to Q&A #140.

For SPIRITUAL WARFARE Resources, click here to go to Q&A #81.

For TRUTH Resources, click here or go to Q&A #94.

For JESUS Resources, go to Q&A #39.

JESUS Resources:

#39 Q&A with Coach Phil – October 31, 2017 – The Real Jesus!

#37 – The Gospel of Jesus! – October 17, 2017

#61 – How We Know Jesus is Alive! – April 3, 2018

#64 – Jesus’ Tomb is Empty! – April 24, 2018

#70 – Certification #4 – June 5, 2018 = The Prayer of Jesus!

#71 – Part 2 of Jesus’ Prayer in Jn. 17: Murmuration & Sychronization – June 12, 2018

#117 – Gospel of the Kingdom: King Jesus – April 30, 2019

#121 – Two Memorial Days – May 28, 2019

#139 – Jesus on Creation – October 1, 2019

#149 – Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven!  – December 10, 2019

#151 – Why Was Jesus Born In Bethlehem? – December 24, 2019

#166 – Jesus’ Last Words: The Power & Meaning of “It is Finished!” – April 7, 2020

#167 – Jesus’ Last Words: Part 2 – Jesus’ 7 Last Words on the Cross!  – April 10, 2020

#168 – What Do the Cross and Resurrection Mean for Us? – April 14, 2020

#169 – Eyewitness Testimony That’ll Make You Never Doubt the Resurrection Again!!! – April 17, 2020

#170 – What’s Up With Those 500 Witnesses? – April 21, 2020

#172 – Jesus’ Last Words: Part 3 – Between the Resurrection & Ascension! – April 28, 2020

#178 – Jesus’ Last Words:  Part 4 – The (Five) Great Commission(s) – May 19, 2020

#190 – Explaining the Trinity – June 30, 2020

#191 – Freedom In Christ – July 3, 2020

#196 – Foundations for Followers of Jesus – July 21, 2020

#201 – Why Does It Matter That Jesus Was Jewish? – August 7, 2020

#211 – Jesus and Creatio – September 11, 2020

#237 – Wise Men Still Seek Jesus! – December 11, 2020

#246 – 10 False Versions of Jesus People Are Falling For – January 12, 2021

#269 – Holy Week! – April 2, 2021

#270 – Who Cut In On You? – April 6, 2021

ABSOLUTE TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #59.

CHRISTMAS Season (Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, New Years, & Epiphany) Resources, click here or go to Q&A #44.

EASTER (The Cross, Resurrection, & Ascension) Resources, click here or go to Q&A #37.

END TIMES Resources, click here or go to Q&A #256.

EVANGELISM Resources, click here or go to Q&A #144.

GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM Resources, click here or go to Q&A #117.

TRUTH Resources, click here or go to Q&A #94.

WORSHIP Resources, click here or go to Q&A #261.

For KINGDOM OF GOD Resources, go to Q&A #117.


*For the LAUNCHING FIRST PRIORITY: Training Follow-up Steps, go to Q&A #164.

For LEADERSHIP & *LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATION Resources, click here or go to Q&A #66.

Here are the Leadership Certification Bible Studies:

When you complete all 8 sessions, let us know and we will send “Leadership Certification” Certificates to all who completed the study.

#66 – Certification #1 – May 8, 2018 = Introduction to First Priority Global Certification!

#67 – Certification #2 – May 15, 2018 = Introduction to the First Priority Strategy!

#69 – Certification #3 – May 29, 2018 = The Mission & Vision of First Priority!

#70 – Certification #4 – June 5, 2018 = The Prayer of Jesus!

#72 – Certification #5 – June 19, 2018 = Leadership in the Body of Christ!

#73 – Certification #6 – June 26, 2018 = The Gospel – The Hope of Christ!

#75 – Certification #7 – July 10, 2018 = Making Disciples!

#76 – Certification #8 – July 17, 2018 = Life in the Spirit!

Additional LEADERSHIP Resources:

#1 – Youth Council – Feb. 7, 2017 = The Youth Leadership Team composed of the Captain & Co-Captain of each of the 4 Ministry Teams.

#5 – Ministry Teams – Mar. 7, 2017 = The 4 Ministries (Pray, Bless, Serve, Tell) that the FP Club is organized around.

#22 – Coaching Tips – July 4, 2017 = The 12 “best practices” or tips we have learned from the 30+ years in implementing the FP strategy.

#24 – Coaches Meetings – July 18, 2017 = Key practices for the monthly meeting of the adult leaders (Coaches) implementing the FP strategy.

#26 – 5 Functions of a Coach – Aug. 1, 2017 = The 5 key functions of training, helping, & coaching youth leaders & communicating w/ the CCM.

#27 – Successful Coaching – Aug. 8, 2017 = 5 key ingredients to be a successful coach & 3 essential components.

#28 – Coaching the Games & the Monthly Ministry Report – Aug. 15, 2017 = 25 basics of coaching the club meetings.

#30 – Our Distinctives & Youth Council-Option 2 – Aug. 29, 2017 = 5 key elements that set the First Priority strategy apart from all other campus ministry strategies, plus, OPTION 2 which is a simpler way to implement the strategy & still see dramatic results!

#31 – Discipline – Sept. 5, 2017 = God is not only a Disciplining Parent but also a Demanding COACH who pushes us to our Limits!

#32 – Burn the Ships – Sept. 12, 2017 = Dismantle the Ships & Build…then Conquer & Win the land or Die trying!

#33 – Perseverance – Sept. 19, 2017 = “The Tunnel is always darkest in the Middle”…Fight with endurance for Breakthrough & Revival to come!

#34 – On Mission – Sept. 26, 2017 = Means to 1) Think Higher, 2) Pray Bigger, 3) Give Greater, & 4) Serve Stronger!

#36 – Youth Council 2 – Oct. 10, 2017 = 2 Jobs: 1) Plan the F.I.S.H. Cycle meetings & 2) Plan the Ministry activities.  Until there is a Connect team, then they also organize the follow-up of new believers!

#38 – Devo Guide – Oct. 24, 2017 = Using the 31-Day Devo Guide for FPG Coaches to get started implementing this Great Commission strategy!

#41 – Right Leadership – Nov. 14, 2017 = 10 C’s of Getting the Right People on the Bus!

#43 – Option 2 – Nov. 28, 2017 = Youth Council…ONE Leadership Team that can do it ALL in ONE Meeting!

#49 – Teamwork – Jan. 9, 2018 = Teamwork makes the Dream work!

#50 – Greatness – Jan. 16, 2018 = Everybody can be Great because Everybody can Serve!

#51 – Persecution – Jan. 23, 2018 = Boast about your Perseverance and Faith in all the Persecutions and Trials!

#52 – Disciple-Making – Jan. 30, 2018 = Relational + Transformational = Missional!

#53 – Self-Management – Feb. 6, 2018 = Guard your heart, Internal Game Plan, Self-Leadership…key to be an authentic Jesus follower!

#55 – Influence – Feb. 20, 2018 = One word definition of Leadership is Influence…Salt & Light!

#57 – Patience – Mar. 6, 2018 = Keep calm & have patience by trusting that God knows best & His timing is best!

#58 – Interpreting the Bible: Introduction – Mar. 13, 2018Definition of terms, conclusion, clarification, & practical application.

#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

#60 – Reboot – Mar. 27, 2018 = 4 R’s…find time to refuel, reflect, return, & refocus!

#63 – Ministry Partnership Principles – April 17, 2018 = Key Principles that will help you determine whether or not to partner with someone in doing ministry!

#78 – The Power of Words – July 31, 2018 = 7 Principles for Using Words for Good!

#79 – Students Reaching Students – August 7, 2018 = The Biggest Influence on a Teenager is a Peer!

#81 – Spiritual Warfare 101 – August 21, 2018 = Here’s How We Keep from being Deceived by the Enemy’s Schemes!

#83 – 8th of the Beatitudes – September 4, 2018 = Blessed are the persecuted for great is your reward in Heaven!

#95 – Becoming a Velvet-Covered Brick – November 27, 2018 = Four principles that Jesus Christ demonstrated for winning people instead of just winning arguments!

#98 – Legislating Morality – December 18, 2018 = We deal with 2 important concepts of Legislating Morality that will also help you see how “biblical” your Worldview is!

#100 – New Year’s Resolutions:  the Spiritual Edition – January 1, 2019 = We take a look at 4 Principles for Making Life-changing Resolutions!

#102 – A  R.E.A.L. Man – January 15, 2019 = We take a look at the Definition of a R.E.A.L. Man, plus numerous aspects of Chivalry!

#103 – 8 Questions Every Worldview Must Answer – January 22, 2019 = We unpack the definition of Worldview & then look at the 8 questions that every Worldview Must Answer!

#104 – Never Too Young to be Used by God – January 29, 2019 = We look at 10 Biblical Examples of How God Used Young People!

#110 – Leading a Bible Study – March 12 2019 = This is a very simple process for Preparing & Leading a Bible Study!

#119 – Serving Schools – May 14, 2019 = Here are 5 Ways to Serve Your Local Schools in response to the Great Commission!

#129 – Hearing the Voice of God – July 23, 2019 = This deals with Learning to Hear and Obey the Voice of God.

#135 – Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians – September 3, 2019 = This shows how other worldviews are polluting our Christian young people’s Biblical worldview.

#136 – Why Does Creation Matter? – September 10, 2019 = This gives some incredible information about why Creation & the Age of the Earth are so important to the reliability of Scripture & the Gospel message!

#137 – What is Biblical Creation & Why is it Important? – September 17, 2019 = This gives some great information about Biblical Creation & how it is the basis for the Gospel!

#138 – Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? – September 24, 2019 = This delivers some great information showing the Differences Between the God of the Bible & the god of the Qur’an.

#139 – Jesus on Creation – October 1, 2019 = If Jesus really is our Lord, then we must have the same views as Him on everything, especially on the issue of Creation.

#140 – Science Confirms the Bible: Part 1 – October 8, 2019 = This hits head-on in debunking one of the biggest myths that our culture tries to put forth as fact.

#141 – Old Earth vs Young Earth – October 15, 2019 = This deals with a biblical view of the age of the earth & debunks the myths that have crept in from the secular worldview.

#142 – What is Wrong with the Woke Movement? – October 22, 2019 = This deals with the issue of a new movement that focuses on progressivism but under the guise of righting social injustice.

#144 – Evangelism Resources – November 5, 2019 = This is a list of evangelism tools that you can use to equip and train your students to be more effective in doing the Great Commission!

#147 – A Meal that will make Students Hungry – November 26, 2019 = This is about how to teach students to feed themselves spiritually!

#148 – Secrets to a Successful Christian Life – December 3, 2019 = Here are some Biblical Principles to be Prosperous & Successful!

#154 – 10 Spiritual Challenges to Set the Pace for the New Year – January 14, 2020 = We deal with a fresh approach to New Years Resolutions… a Spiritual Decathlon!

#171  – Pivoting in a Pandemic: Five Shifts in Global Youth Ministry – April 24, 2020 = This focuses on 5 ways you can “ramp-up” your Youth Ministry during & after this pandemic!

#176 – Study the Bible Like Billy Graham! – May 12, 2020 = This gives some great ideas from the infamous evangelist Billy Graham’s own description of how he studied the Bible to see if we can find some good advice and encouragement for our own study in the Word.

#177  – Giving to God! – May 15, 2020 = This lists & describes 4 THINGS WE CAN OFFER TO GOD—each of these is given to us by God, and each of them should be given back in God-honoring ways.

#179 – Days of Creation! – May 22, 2020 = This article contains a massive amount of biblical (historical & theological) info on the Creation!

#180 – What Does the Bible Say About Dinosaurs?! – May 26, 2020 = This details how the Bible gives us a framework for explaining dinosaurs in terms of thousands of years of history, including the mystery of when they lived and what happened to them.

#181 – Top 10 Faith Compromisers – May 29, 2020 = This covers tactics that the enemy wants to use to bring about compromise in the lives of Christians.

#185 – Speaking to Students! – June 12, 2020 = The info here will help you become a more effective communicator to young people, and then for you to pass on what you learn to the young people who are leaders in the ministry of your church & First Priority clubs.

#198 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 1 – Introduction – July 28, 2020 = This shows the value of the biblical basis for taking the historical ideals of Chivalry and applying them in modern times!

#230 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 2 – 3 Ideals of Chivalry (1st Ideal=R.E.A.L. Man & Woman Definition) – November 17, 2020 = This answers the question, from a biblical perspective, “what does it mean to be a REAL man or woman?”

#199 – Charles Finney: Father of Modern Revivalism – July 31, 2020 = This is a great history lesson on Revival and Spiritual Awakening that could really help us during this time of turmoil in the world!

#227 – D.R.I.F.T. Danger – November 6, 2020 = This bible study focuses on the danger of drifting from Christ and whole-hearted devotion to His purposes and His people.

#262 – 7 Great Leadership Quotes from MLK – March 9, 2021 = This gives 7 quotes from Dr. King that can still inspire leaders in any field today.

#265 – Leadership for Sustainable Growth – March 19, 2021 = Here are five most powerful leadership success patterns to help you, your team, and your organization reap the benefits of accelerated growth and success.

#272 – 21 Historical Christians We Should Know – April 13, 2021 = This details the lives of 21 leaders from church history who have inspired every generation of believers toward a greater passion for Jesus and being His ‘totally surrendered’ followers.

For LEGISLATING MORALITY Resources, go to Q&A #98.


#98 Q&A with Coach Phil – December 18, 2018 – Legislating Morality – Part 1

#120 – Legislating Morality – Part 2 – May 21, 2019 = This deals with defining the phrase,  giving background info, & fulfilling the Biblical mission of legislating morality. 

#122 – Legislating Morality – Part 3 – June 4, 2019 = This focuses on questions like “Is Legislating Morality Biblical?” etc.

#222 – Legislating Morality – Part 4 – October 20, 2020 = This is the 4th in the series and deals more specifically with legislating against morality.

#194 – Christians’ Response to the Cancel Culture – July 14, 2020 = This deals with the boycotting or silencing of someone by the use of threats personally, financially, vocationally, politically, or even just to decrease popularity, known as Cancel Culture.

#225 – Christian Citizenship: Rights & Responsibilities – October 30, 2020 = This deals with some of the most important civic responsibilities of Christians, some ways to apply the “salt & light” principle, and some obligations in both the spiritual & earthly realms.

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change – July 7, 2020, = This examines the biblical worldview of the environment, plus shows the alarmism behind Climate Change.

#228 – Stewardship of the Earth – Part 2 – November 10, 2020 = This examines the Christian’s individual and collective responsibility to be stewards of the earth (environment).

#249 – Politics & Church: 4 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Well – January 22, 2021 = Here are some practical suggestions on how to help young people navigate the waters of political, social, and cultural upheaval like what we have been experiencing during this pandemic.


#56 – School Shooting – Feb. 27, 2018 = The Proper Response is “I’m Not Ashamed!”

#58* – Interpreting the Bible: Introduction – Mar. 13, 2018 = Definition of terms, conclusion, clarification, & practical application.

#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

#80 – Why a Christian Worldview Matters – August 14, 2018 = We define worldview, some secular worldviews, & especially the Christian worldview!

#82 – Evolution is a Myth – August 28, 2018 = Understanding Evolution & it’s 4 Fatal Flaws!

#84 – Homosexuality in Youth Ministry – September 11, 2018

#93 – Just War Theory – November 13, 2018 = The time-honored criteria of the JUST WAR THEORY that were developed by Christian theologians in the late fourth and early fifth centuries A.D.

#94 – What is Truth? – November 20, 2018 = The history of Truth & it’s source, and the 3 premises of Truth.

#98 – Legislating Morality – December 18, 2018 = We deal with 2 important concepts of Legislating Morality that will also help you see how “biblical” your Worldview is!

#101 – Sanctity of Life – January 8, 2019 = We take a look at the 2 main issues to consider about Abortion!

#103 – 8 Questions Every Worldview Must Answer – January 22, 2019 = We unpack the definition of Worldview & then look at the 8 questions that every Worldview Must Answer!

#105 – Dating Covenant – February 5, 2019 = We look at a Dating Covenant between Teens & Parents!

#111 – The 10 Commandments – March 19, 2019 = Here’s a simple way to remember God’s TOP TEN ABSOLUTE TRUTHS…in order…by using the fingers on your hands as reminders!

#113 – Building Immunity to Anti-Christian Ideas – April 2, 2019 = Here are 3 practical steps to help young people combat the anti-Christian worldviews of our culture today!

#118 – The TEEN Commandments – May 7, 2019 = These are 10 principles that are very timely for the challenges that teenagers face in today’s culture!

#120 – Legislating Morality – Part 2 – May 21, 2019 = Here is additional information on the issue of Legislating Morality!

#122 – Legislating Morality – Part 3 – June 4, 2019 = This focuses on questions like “Is Legislating Morality Biblical?” etc.

#124 – Teaching a Biblical Worldview – June 18, 2019 = This is about helping young people to develop a Biblical Worldview.

#128 – 7 Top Biblical Principles 4 Every Teen – July 16, 2019 = This deals with 7 Biblical Principles to help Every Teen live out the Christian Life Successfully.

#135 – Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians – September 3, 2019 = This shows how other worldviews are polluting our Christian young people’s Biblical worldview.

#136 – Why Does Creation Matter? – September 10, 2019 = This gives some incredible information about why Creation & the Age of the Earth are so important to the reliability of Scripture & the Gospel message!

#142 – What is Wrong with the Woke Movement? – October 22, 2019 = This deals with the issue of a new movement that focuses on progressivism but under the guise of righting social injustice.

#149 – Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven! – December 10, 2019 = This deals with How to Know Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven & What to Say to Those Who Object.

#155 – The Young Man’s Guide to Awesomeness Critique & Summary – January 21, 2020 = This is a great study book for teen boys to help them become godly young men; the subtitle is… How to Guard Your Heart, Get the Girl, & Save the World!

#156 – Is Sex Before Marriage a Sin? – January 28, 2020 = This is a great resource for young people to help them know & understand the biblical principles around the topic of Dating & Sexuality!

#158 – P.U.R.I.T.Y. Training – February 11, 2020 = This is a Summary of what the Bible teaches on how we are to train ourselves in godliness, holiness, & purity and to avoid sexual immorality!

#159 – What is Love? – February 18, 2020 = This is a Summary of what the Bible teaches on what love is, the different types of love in the Bible, what the Bible says about romantic love, familial love, neighborly love, & why love is the greatest command!

#160 – Dealing with Death:  Remembering Kobe Bryant – February 25, 2020 = This provides insight for Christians in dealing with the reality of death & helping others who are going through the grieving process.

#183 – Christians’ Response to Racism, Prejudice, & Injustice in Spite of a Pandemic – June 5, 2020 = This article gives the biblical basis for Christians to love others as ourselves by standing up against injustice, racism, & prejudice.

#184 – 7 Strategies to Win the Temptation Battle! – June 9, 2020 = This focuses on Strategies of how we can use God’s Scripture, Spirit, & Servants to fight Temptation.

#191 – Freedom In Christ! – July 3, 2020 = This describes how anyone can experience the only real freedom on the planet!

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change – July 7, 2020, = This examines the biblical worldview of the environment, plus shows the alarmism behind Climate Change.

#194 – Christians’ Response to the Cancel Culture – July 14, 2020 = This deals with the boycotting or silencing of someone by the use of threats personally, financially, vocationally, politically, or even just to decrease popularity, known as Cancel Culture.

#195 – Beware of the ‘Hype Train’ of Culture – July 17, 2020 = This will help all Christians to be more strategic in “the Battle” that we are fighting (Ephesians 6:10-18) to be salt & light (Matthew 5:13-16) in order to further His Kingdom (Matthew 28:18-20) in the Culture we live in!

#197 – What Does The Bible Say About The Culture War? – July 24, 2020 = This describes the various “cultural conflicts” between Judeo-Christian values/ethics and the more liberal viewpoint on morality in society and what the Bible says we are to do about it!

#198 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 1 – Introduction – July 28, 2020 = This shows the value of the biblical basis for taking the historical ideals of Chivalry and applying them in modern times!

#199 – Charles Finney: Father of Modern Revivalism – July 31, 2020 = This is a great history lesson on Revival and Spiritual Awakening that could really help us during this time of turmoil in the world!

#205 – Fighting the Culture War Against the Odds – August 21, 2020 = This post gives some great ideas for how Christians need to engage in the Culture War!

#206 – Are Traditional Marriage Advocates Homophobes? – August 25, 2020 = This shows why Christians who advocate for traditional marriage, and against homosexual marriage, are often falsely called homophobes.

#209 – 7 Spheres of Cultural Influence – September 4, 2020 = This is a sermon preached by Benny Proffitt that not only deals with the 7 Spheres of Influence on Culture but also the 7 R’s of Revolution to Counter the Culture!

#216 – Kingdoms at War! – September 29, 2020 = This gives some keen insight between the two KINGDOMS AT WAR and the practical application of involvement in politics.

#217 – Advancing International Religious Freedom – October 2, 2020 = This article is a clarion call for all Christians to pray for their country’s leaders!

#218 – How the Media Drives Radical ‘Wokeness’ – October 6, 2020 = This shows how activist journalism is promoting radical racial “wokeness” and how the negative influence of liberal American media has become a global problem.

#221 – Biblical Judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World – October 16, 2020 = This study will help young people have a more biblically correct understanding of the important biblical principle of judging.

#225 – Christian Citizenship: Rights & Responsibilities – October 30, 2020 = This deals with some of the most important civic responsibilities of Christians, some ways to apply the “salt & light” principle, and some obligations in both the spiritual & earthly realms.

#228 – Stewardship of the Earth – Part 2 – November 10, 2020 = This examines the Christian’s individual and collective responsibility to be stewards of the earth (environment).

#247 – Life Matters Worldwide! – January 15, 2021 = This is an update on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, the Pandemic, & Abortion.

#262 – 7 Great Leadership Quotes from MLK – March 9, 2021 = This gives 7 quotes from Dr. King that can still inspire leaders in any field today.

#268 – Worldview vs. Socialism – March 30, 2021 = This explains the relationship between Socialism, Naturalism, & Christianity.

For CULTURE WAR Resources, go to Q&A #195.

For WOKE Resources, go to Q&A #142.

For SOCIAL MEDIA Resources, go to Q&A #62.

For WORLDVIEW & APOLOGETICS Resources, go to Q&A #124.

For MEDIA / SOCIAL MEDIA / INTERNET Resources, go to Q&A #62.


For MORALITY & MEDIA IN SOCIETY Resources, go to Q&A #98.


#127 – Spiritual Growth Basics! – July 9, 2019

#96 – Eternal Security – Dec. 4, 2018

#107 – Personal Evangelism Follow-up – Feb. 19, 2019

#108 – Feet Time – Feb. 26, 2019

#210 – What About the Church? – Sept. 8, 2020

#58* – Interpreting the Bible: Introduction – Mar. 13, 2018

#161 – Reading the Bible All Wrong?! – March 3, 2020 = This focuses on 3 Faulty Trends of Interpreting the Bible that are in widespread use today.

#252 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 1 – February 2, 2021 = This lists six principles that can guide us to study and interpret God’s Word!

#253 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 2 – February 5, 2021 = This explains how to properly interpret Scripture by applying the 6 key principles from Part 1 and using Genesis 1-11 as the focal point.

#181 – Top 10 Faith Compromisers – May 29, 2020 = This covers tactics that the enemy wants to use to bring about compromise in the lives of Christians.

#184 – 7 Strategies to Win the Temptation Battle! – June 9, 2020 = This focuses on Strategies of how we can use God’s Scripture, Spirit, & Servants to fight Temptation.

#115 – Principles of P.R.A.Y.E.R. – April 16, 2019 = Here are some Principles of Prayer that will help our young people release the Power of God in their lives!

For more BIBLE READING & STUDY resources, go to Q&A #161.

For more DISCIPLESHIP resources, go to Q&A #7.

For NEW YEARS RESOLUTION (Jesus Followers Commitments) Resources, go to Q&A #244.

For BIBLICAL JUDGMENT in a “Don’t Judge Me” World, go to Q&A #221.

#276 – Top 12 Biblical Virtues – April 27, 2021 = Here are 12 important Biblical Virtues that will help young people build the character and integrity necessary to achieve real success, strong relationships, and a God-honoring life!

For NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS (Jesus Followers Commitments) Resources, go to Q&A #244.


#244 Q&A with Coach Phil – January 5, 2021 – 7 Resolution Choices for 2021

#48 – New Years Resolutions Worth Keeping – Jan. 2, 2018 = 6 Practical Principles to make New Year’s Resolutions Worth Keeping!

#100 – New Year’s Resolutions:  the Spiritual Edition – January 1, 2019 = We take a look at 4 Principles for Making Life-changing Resolutions!

#152 – 12 Days of Xmas & New Year’s Resolutions 3.0 – December 31, 2019

#154 – 10 Spiritual Challenges to Set the Pace for the New Year – January 14, 2020 = We deal with a fresh approach to New Years Resolutions… a Spiritual Decathlon!

#220 – Hitting the Reset Button! – October 13, 2020 = This study shows us how grace is a lot like a reset button on a video game!

#245 – Time to Reboot! – January 8, 2021 = We take a look at 7 practical ways to follow-through with New Years Resolutions (or Commitments as Jesus Followers).

For PANDEMIC Resources, go to Q&A #163.

For POLITICS Resources, go to Q&A #249.

POLITICS Resources:

#249 Q&A with Coach Phil – January 22, 2021 – Politics & Church: 4 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Well

#225 – Christian Citizenship: Rights & Responsibilities

#226 – Christian Citizenship – Part 2: Biblical Principles for Political Engagement

#239 – Salt & Light

#262 – 7 Great Leadership Quotes from MLK

#268 – Worldview vs. Socialism

BIBLE AS TRUTH Resources, click here or go to Q&A #35.

CREATION Resources, click here or go to Q&A #82.

CULTURE Resources, click here or go to Q&A #195.

SCIENCE Resources, click here or go to Q&A #140.

STEWARDSHIP Resources, click here or go to Q&A #192.

WORLDVIEW & APOLOGETICS Resources, click here or go to Q&A #124.


For RESURRECTION Resources, go to Q&A #37.

For REVIVAL & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Resources, go to Q&A #199.


#199 Q&A with Coach Phil – July 31, 2020 – Charles Finney: Father of Modern Revivalism

#15 – Big Picture – May 16, 2017 = The Mission, Vision, Strategy, & Motto of First Priority.

#16 – Hook Week – May 23, 2017 = The last meeting of the F.I.S.H. Cycle where someone presents the Gospel & the lost are saved…hooked!

#21 – 5 Key Elements – June 27, 2017 = The 5 key ministry focuses of the FP Club, which are reflected in the 5 FP core values.

#23 – Battle & Solutions – July 11, 2017 = The Battle we are in between the Kingdom of Light vs Kingdom of Darkness and the Spiritual Solution.

#25 – Campus Missionaries – July 25, 2017 = The concept, vision-casting, process, training, commitment, commissioning, & coaching of CM’s.

#34 – On Mission – Sept. 26, 2017 = Means to 1) Think Higher, 2) Pray Bigger, 3) Give Greater, & 4) Serve Stronger!

#37 – Gospel of Jesus – Oct. 17, 2017 = Helping Students understand the Good News of Jesus, the Cross, & the Resurrection!

#52 – Disciple-Making – Jan. 30, 2018 = Relational + Transformational = Missional!

#60 – Reboot – Mar. 27, 2018 = 4 R’s…find time to refuel, reflect, return, & refocus!

#69 – Certification #3 – May 29, 2018 = The Mission & Vision of First Priority!

#70 – Certification #4 – June 5, 2018 = The Prayer of Jesus!

#71 – Murmuration & Synchronization – June 12, 2018 = The Prayer of Jesus 2: Nature’s most beautiful displays of unified & collective movement which show how deeply God cares about Unity!

#85 – See You at the Pole – September 18, 2018 = It is a global prayer movement where students meet at their school’s flagpole before school to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God on the 4th Wednesday of each September!

#114 – Praying for Our Students as Missionaries to Their School – April 9, 2019 = Here are some practical ways to help young people see themselves as missionaries to their schools so they can be light in their culture!

#115 – Principles of P.R.A.Y.E.R. – April 16, 2019 = Here are some Principles of Prayer that will help our young people release the Power of God in their lives!

#117 – The Gospel of the Kingdom:  King Jesus – April 30, 2019 = This gives a strong foundational understanding of this very crucial biblical concept…The Gospel of the Kingdom, with emphasis on King Jesus!

#129 – Hearing the Voice of God – July 23, 2019 = This deals with Learning to Hear and Obey the Voice of God.

#173 – Nat’l Day of Prayer, May 7, 2020: Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth! – May 1, 2020 = This provides a brief history, and some suggested plans & options for the National Day of Prayer!

#196 – Foundations for Followers of Jesus! – July 21, 2020 = This info will help take a new disciple and get them on the journey to become a disciple that looks like Jesus!

#209 – 7 Spheres of Cultural Influence – September 4, 2020 = This is a sermon preached by Benny Proffitt that not only deals with the 7 Spheres of Influence on Culture but also the 7 R’s of Revolution to Counter the Culture!

#214 – The Return – A Most Critical Matter! – September 22, 2020 = This focuses on The Return – A National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance on Sept.26, 2020, starting at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time!

#219 – 5 Hearts: It’s All About the Heart! – October 9, 2020 = This is a great message you can use to communicate to young people about their priorities and is also a great evangelistic tool!

#227 – D.R.I.F.T. Danger – November 6, 2020 = This bible study focuses on the danger of drifting from Christ and whole-hearted devotion to His purposes and His people.

#229 – What Makes a Great Church? – November 13, 2020 = This explains the phrase, “A Great Church is made up of Great Disciples with a Great Commitment to the Great Command and the Great Commission!”

#256 – End Times – February 16, 2021 = This is a brief overview of events that the Bible reveals will happen in the End Times and how to prepare for them.

#272 – 21 Historical Christians We Should Know – April 13, 2021 = This details the lives of 21 leaders from church history who have inspired every generation of believers toward a greater passion for Jesus and being His ‘totally surrendered’ followers.

For EVANGELISM Resources, click here or go to Q&A #144.

For SANCTITY OF LIFE / ABORTION Resources, go to Q&A #101.

#101 Q&A with Coach Phil – January 8, 2019 – The Sanctity of Life

For more on this issue, you can also read:

Abortion in the Bible and Church History” by Randy Alcorn:  https://christiananswers.net/q-eden/edn-abortioninthebible.html

What does the Bible Teach about Abortion?” by John Ankerberg and John Weldon: https://arcapologetics.org/culture/what-does-the-bible-teach-about-abortion/

Fighting Abortion—The Measure of a Just Society” by Tony Perkins, Answers in Genesis:  https://answersingenesis.org/sanctity-of-life/abortion/fighting-abortion-the-measure-of-a-just-society/

The Best Pro-Life Arguments for Secular Audiences” by Rob Schwarzwalder, Family Research Council:  https://www.frc.org/brochure/the-best-pro-life-arguments-for-secular-audiences

Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments” by the Campaign Life Coalition: https://www.campaignlifecoalition.com/pro-life-answers

#222 – Legislating Morality–Part 4

#226 – Christian Citizenship – Part 2: Biblical Principles for Political Engagement

“Life Matters Worldwide!,” go to Q&A #247.

For CULTURE WAR Resources, go to Q&A #195.

For MORALITY IN SOCIETY Resources, go to Q&A #98.

For SEXUALITY & DATING Resources, go to Q&A #105.

For SCIENCE Resources, go to Q&A #140.

SCIENCE Resources:

#140 Q&A with Coach Phil – October 8, 2019 – Science Confirms the Bible: Part 1

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 2 – Old Earth vs Young Earth,” go to Q&A #141.

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 3,” go to Q&A #254.

For “Science Confirms the Bible: Part 4,” go to Q&A #257.

#35 – Proving the Bible

#61 – How We Know Jesus is Alive

#82 – Evolution is a Myth!

#84 – Homosexuality in Youth Ministry

#94 – What is Truth?

#101 – Sanctity of Life

#103 – 8 Questions Every Worldview Must Answer

#136 – Why Does Creation Matter?

#137 – What is Biblical Creation & Why Is It Important?

#139 – Jesus on Creation

#163 – Christians’ Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic: The Difference Between Concern and Worry

#169 – Eyewitness Testimony That’ll Make You Never Doubt the Resurrection Again!!!

#170 – What’s Up With Those 500 Witnesses?

#179 – Days of Creation!

#180 – What Does the Bible Say About Dinosaurs?!

#186 – Beyond Blind Faith! 

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change

#202 – Evolution & the Naturalism Worldview

#206 – Are Traditional Marriage Advocates Homophobes?

#212 – Why is Biblical Creation So Important?

#228 – Stewardship of the Earth – Part 2

#247 – Life Matters Worldwide!

#255 – Top 10 Myths About Creation

#256 – End Times

#258 – Was There Really a Noah’s Ark & Flood?

#268 – Worldview vs. Socialism

For more CREATION Resources, go to Q&A #82.

For SEXUALITY & DATING Resources, go to Q&A #105.

For SOCIAL MEDIA / INTERNET Resources, go to Q&A #62.

For SPIRITUAL GROWTH Basics, go to Q&A #127.

For SPIRITUAL WARFARE Resources, go to Q&A #81.


#81 Q&A with Coach Phil – August 21, 2018 – Spiritual Warfare 101

*#181 – Top 10 Faith Compromisers – May 29, 2020 = This covers tactics that the enemy wants to use to bring about compromise in the lives of Christians.

*#184 – 7 Strategies to Win the Temptation Battle! – June 9, 2020 = This focuses on Strategies of how we can use God’s Scripture, Spirit, & Servants to fight Temptation.

*#191 – Freedom In Christ! – July 3, 2020 = This describes how anyone can experience the only real freedom on the planet!

#76 – Certification #8 – July 17, 2018 = Life in the Spirit!

#77 – Personal Worship – July 24, 2018 = Worshipping in Spirit and Truth!

#127 – Spiritual Growth Basics – July 9, 2019 = This focuses on the issue of the Spiritual Disciplines that a Follower of Jesus Needs in their life.

#189 – Top 10 Bible ‘Must-Knows’ – June 26, 2020 = This will show you where we need to dig deeper into the Word of God & discover the wealth of Biblical Basics!

#197 – What Does The Bible Say About The Culture War? – July 24, 2020 = This describes the various “cultural conflicts” between Judeo-Christian values/ethics and the more liberal viewpoint on morality in society and what the Bible says we are to do about it!

#198 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 1 – Introduction – July 28, 2020 = This shows the value of the biblical basis for taking the historical ideals of Chivalry and applying them in modern times!

#230 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 2 – 3 Ideals of Chivalry (1st Ideal=R.E.A.L. Man & Woman Definition) – November 17, 2020 = This answers the question, from a biblical perspective, “what does it mean to be a REAL man or woman?”

#231 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 3 – 3 Ideals of Chivalry (2nd Ideal=Code of Conduct) – November 20, 2020 = This deals with 3 Critical Areas, 10 Biblical Ideals of Nobility, 3 Heritages to be Armed with, How to P.R.A.Y., & the Top 10 Faith Compromisers!

#233 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 4 – 3 Ideals (3rd Ideal = Transcendent Cause) – November 27, 2020 = This deals with Conventional vs Biblical Manhood, the Meaning & Characteristics of Transcendent Cause, 7 Battles Worth Fighting, 7 Strategies to Win These Battles, & How to Remember the 10 Standards of Biblical Manhood = the 10 Commandments!

#234 – Biblical Chivalry – Part 5 – 10 Strategies = [5] Tacticals + {5} Evangelistics – December 1, 2020 = First, we deal with 5 critical challenges where our teenagers need to be very ‘TACTICAL’ in combatting the schemes of the enemy; Second, we deal with 5 ways to share the life-transforming message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be ‘EVANGELISTIC’ messengers to their generation!

#208 – 5 Things We Need to Know About the Holy Spirit – September 1, 2020 = This article gives some powerful biblical insight into who the Holy Spirit is!

#209 – 7 Spheres of Cultural Influence – September 4, 2020 = This is a sermon preached by Benny Proffitt that not only deals with the 7 Spheres of Influence on Culture but also the 7 R’s of Revolution to Counter the Culture!

#215 – Importance of Fasting and Prayer – September 25, 2020 = This focuses on the spiritual disciplines of Fasting and Prayer, the power of them being exercised together, and some practical suggestions.

#216 – Kingdoms at War! – September 29, 2020 = This gives some keen insight between the two KINGDOMS AT WAR and the practical application of involvement in politics.

#224 – The Secret to Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit! – October 27, 2020 = This article explains that following Jesus and walking with the Holy Spirit comes down to one simple truth…

#227 – D.R.I.F.T. Danger – November 6, 2020 = This bible study focuses on the danger of drifting from Christ and whole-hearted devotion to His purposes and His people.

#282 – What does the Bible Say About Depression & Suicide? – Part 1

#283 – What does the Bible Say About Depression & Suicide? – Part 2


For THANKSGIVING Resources, go to Q&A #42.

THANKSGIVING Resources, go to:

#42 Q&A with Coach Phil – November 21, 2017 – Thanksgiving

#147 – A Meal that will make Students Hungry – November 26, 2019 = This is about how to teach students to feed themselves spiritually!

#152 – 12 Days of Xmas & New Year’s Resolutions 3.0 – December 31, 2019 = We deal with the song, history, & meaning of the 12 Days of Christmas & some fresh insight to New Year’s Resolutions!

#232 – Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, & Liberty – 400th Anniversary! – November 24, 2020 = This focuses on why this is the 400th Anniversary of Thanksgiving, the meaning of Thanksgiving, the significance of the Pilgrims and their desire for religious Liberty, and thanksgiving Bible verses!

#177  – Giving to God! – May 15, 2020 = This lists & describes 4 THINGS WE CAN OFFER TO GOD—each of these is given to us by God, and each of them should be given back in God-honoring ways.

STEWARDSHIP Resources, go to Q&A #192.

CHRISTMAS SEASON (Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, New Years, & Epiphany) Resources, go to Q&A #44.

*For TRAINING FOLLOW-UP STEPS:  Launching First Priority, go to Q&A #164.

For TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #94.

TRUTH Resources:

#94 Q&A with Coach Phil – November 20, 2018 – What is Truth?

*#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

*#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

*#80 – Why a Christian Worldview Matters – August 14, 2018 = We define worldview, some secular worldviews, & especially the Christian worldview!

*#94 – What is Truth? – November 20, 2018 = The history of Truth & it’s source, and the 3 premises of Truth.

*#111 – The 10 Commandments – March 19, 2019 = Here’s a simple way to remember God’s TOP TEN ABSOLUTE TRUTHS…in order…by using the fingers on your hands as reminders!

#35 – Proving the Bible – Oct. 3, 2017 = The Bible is 1) the REVELATION of God, 2) RELIABLE, 3) RELEVANT!

#58 – Interpreting the Bible – Mar. 13, 2018 = We MUST have a Conservative view, not Liberal, of the interpretation of the Bible!

#61 – Jesus is Alive – April 3, 2018 = Here are 7 alternate explanations of the resurrection, and the answer for each!

#64 – Jesus’ Tomb in Empty! – April 24, 2018 = Some of the 14 Evidences that prove that the Garden Tomb site is genuine & accurate for where Jesus was buried!

#84 Q&A with Coach Phil – September 11, 2018 – 7 Myths of Homosexuality & Answering Objections

#153 – Alleged Disproofs of God’s Existence – January 7, 2020 = We deal with ways to respond to these 4 arguments that attempt to disprove the existence of God!

#169 – Eyewitness Testimony That’ll Make You Never Doubt the Resurrection Again!!! – April 17, 2020 = This includes interviews with three well-known Christian apologists to show the unquestionable proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus!!!

#186 – Beyond Blind Faith! – June 16, 2020 = This article is a summary of the key proofs of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that will help young people to know & practice the techniques of Apologetics, i.e. an intellectual defense of the truth of Christianity…explaining not only why they believe in Jesus but also why not believing is not a viable option.

#188 – 5 Myths About Studying the Bible! – June 23, 2020

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change – July 7, 2020, = This examines the biblical worldview of the environment, plus shows the alarmism behind Climate Change.

#221 – Biblical Judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World – October 16, 2020

#246 – 10 False Versions of Jesus People Are Falling For – January 12, 2021

#248 – What We Should Be Teaching About Race – January 19, 2021

#249 – Politics & Church: 4 Ways Leaders Can Navigate Well – January 22, 2021

#255 – Top 10 Myths About Creation – February 12, 2021

#258 – Was There Really a Noah’s Ark & Flood? – February 23, 2021

#270 – Who Cut In On You? – April 6, 2021

For ABSOLUTE TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #59.

For WORLDVIEW / APOLOGETICS Resources, go to Q&A #124.

For BIBLE AS TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #35.

For MORALITY IN SOCIETY Resources, go to Q&A #98.

For CULTURE WAR Resources, go to Q&A #195.

For CREATION Resources, go to Q&A #82.

For UNITY Resources, go to Q&A #2.


#2 Q&A with Coach Phil – Feb. 14, 2017 – The Power of Unity (Network)

#14 – Fishing Guides – May 9, 2017 = The adult leaders who “guide” the teen fishermen…(a.k.a. Coaches)

#15 – Big Picture – May 16, 2017 = The Mission, Vision, Strategy, & Motto of First Priority.

#21 – 5 Key Elements – June 27, 2017 = The 5 key ministry focuses of the FP Club, which are reflected in the 5 FP core values.

#27 – Successful Coaching – Aug. 8, 2017 = 5 key ingredients to be a successful coach & 3 essential components.

#29 – 7 C’s that Unite Us – Aug. 22, 2017 = 7 key areas to focus on in order to build unity in our communities.

#63 – Ministry Partnership Principles – April 17, 2018 = Key Principles that will help you determine whether or not to partner with someone in doing ministry!

#70 – Certification #4 – June 5, 2018 = The Prayer of Jesus!

#85 – See You at the Pole – September 18, 2018 = It is a global prayer movement where students meet at their school’s flagpole before school to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God on the 4th Wednesday of each September!

#165 – No Matter What, I Got Your B.A.C.K.! – March 31, 2020 = This details some practical & scriptural “how to’s” to achieve unity by using the word B.A.C.K. as an acrostic!

#173 – Nat’l Day of Prayer, May 7, 2020: Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth! – May 1, 2020 = This provides a brief history, and some suggested plans & options for the National Day of Prayer!

#183 – Christians’ Response to Racism, Prejudice, & Injustice in Spite of a Pandemic – June 5, 2020 = This article gives the biblical basis for Christians to love others as ourselves by standing up against injustice, racism, & prejudice.

#191 – Freedom In Christ! – July 3, 2020 = This describes how anyone can experience the only real freedom on the planet!

#210 – What About The Church? – September 8, 2020 = This is a Bible study on scriptural principles for understanding THE CHURCH!

For WORLDVIEW Resources, go to Q&A #124.

WORLDVIEW Resources:

*#124 Q&A with Coach Phil – June 18, 2019 – Teaching a Biblical Worldview

*#80 – Biblical Worldview – Part 1: Why a Christian Worldview Matters – August 14, 2018 = We define worldview, some secular worldviews, & especially the Christian worldview!

*#103 – Biblical Worldview – Part 2: 8 Questions Every Worldview Must Answer – January 22, 2019 = We unpack the definition of Worldview & then look at the 8 questions that every Worldview Must Answer!

*#123 – Biblical Worldview – Part 3: General Implications – June 11, 2019 = This focuses on issues like “What is a Biblical Worldview & how does it get diluted” etc.

*#260 – Biblical Worldview – Part 4 – Foundational Beliefs – March 2, 2021 = This article lists 10 Basics & 10 Foundational Beliefs of a Biblical / Christian Worldview.

*#135 – Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians – September 3, 2019 = This shows how other worldviews are polluting our Christian young people’s Biblical worldview.

*#202 – Evolution & the Naturalism Worldview – August 11, 2020 = This shows how the Evolution Theory is a direct result of a Naturalistic Worldview.

*#213 – Only Two Worldviews? – September 18, 2020 = This explains how the Bible shows us that there are only two worldviews:  Man’s way and God’s way!

*#223 – 7 C’s of History for a Biblical Worldview – October 23, 2020 = This article shows the major events of the past (and even the future)—the “7 Cs of History”—that are foundational to the Bible’s important message and demonstrate how the Bible connects to the real world.

*#113 – Building Immunity to Anti-Christian Ideas – April 2, 2019 = Here are 3 practical steps to help young people combat the anti-Christian worldviews of our culture today!

*#266 – Worldview & Witness – March 23, 2021 = To truly grasp the nature of witness in our modern pluralistic world, it is necessary to move beyond a simple knowledge of how to share the gospel message & get to that place where we can lay a foundation that can only be set based on a knowledge of worldview.

*#267 – Test Your Worldview – March 26, 2021 = By taking this Worldview Survey, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and will be able to work on certain mindsets to make your own life more meaningful by strengthening your Biblical Worldview.

#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

#94 – What is Truth? – November 20, 2018 = The history of Truth & it’s source, and the 3 premises of Truth.

#192 – Stewardship of the Earth vs. Climate Change – July 7, 2020, = This examines the biblical worldview of the environment, plus shows the alarmism behind Climate Change.

#205 – Fighting the Culture War Against the Odds – August 21, 2020 = This post gives some great ideas for how Christians need to engage in the Culture War!

#206 – Are Traditional Marriage Advocates Homophobes? – August 25, 2020 = This shows why Christians who advocate for traditional marriage, and against homosexual marriage, are often falsely called homophobes.

#209 – 7 Spheres of Cultural Influence – September 4, 2020 = This is a sermon preached by Benny Proffitt that not only deals with the 7 Spheres of Influence on Culture but also the 7 R’s of Revolution to Counter the Culture!

#218 – How the Media Drives Radical ‘Wokeness’ – October 6, 2020 = This shows how activist journalism is promoting radical racial “wokeness” and how the negative influence of liberal American media has become a global problem.

#221 – Biblical Judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World – October 16, 2020 = This study will help young people have a more biblically correct understanding of the important biblical principle of judging.

#225 – Christian Citizenship: Rights & Responsibilities – October 30, 2020 = This deals with some of the most important civic responsibilities of Christians, some ways to apply the “salt & light” & “love your neighbor” principles, and some obligations in both the spiritual & earthly realms.

#226 – Christian Citizenship – Part 2: Biblical Principles for Political Engagement – November 3, 2020 = This focuses on the biblical foundation for proper involvement in politics.

#228 – Stewardship of the Earth – Part 2 – November 10, 2020 = This examines the Christian’s individual and collective responsibility to be stewards of the earth (environment).

#248 – What We Should Be Teaching About Race – January 19, 2021 = This deals with What We Should Be Teaching about 1) Racism & Slavery, 2) Critical Race Theory, & 3) Black Lives Matter.

#251 – How to Defend God’s Word – January 29, 2021 = This article shows how to use apologetics to faithfully communicate the truths of the Bible to point to the hope we have in Christ!

#252 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 1 – February 2, 2021 = This lists six principles that can guide us to study and interpret God’s Word!

#253 – How to Interpret God’s Word: Part 2 – February 5, 2021 = This explains how to properly interpret Scripture by applying the 6 key principles from Part 1 and using Genesis 1-11 as the focal point.

#256 – End Times – February 16, 2021 = This is a brief overview of events that the Bible reveals will happen in the End Times and how to prepare for them.

#259 – Why Does It Have To Be Creation or Evolution? – February 26, 2021 = This article shows how Creation and Evolution are diametrically opposed, and as Christians, we must be extremely careful in not allowing the theory of Evolution, which is an anti-God theory with no actual evidence, to influence our biblical worldview.

#268 – Worldview vs. Socialism – March 30, 2021 = This explains the relationship between Socialism, Naturalism, & Christianity.

For WOKE Resources, go to Q&A #142.


#142 Q&A with Coach Phil – October 22, 2019 – What is Wrong with the Woke Movement?


#218 – How the Media Drives Radical ‘Wokeness’ – October 6, 2020 = This shows how activist journalism is promoting radical racial “wokeness” and how the negative influence of liberal American media has become a global problem.

#194 – Christians’ Response to the Cancel Culture – July 14, 2020 = This deals with the boycotting or silencing of someone by the use of threats personally, financially, vocationally, politically, or even just to decrease popularity, known as Cancel Culture.

#248 – What We Should Be Teaching About Race – January 19, 2021

#183 – Christians’ Response to Racism, Prejudice, & Injustice in Spite of a Pandemic – June 5, 2020

#268 – Worldview vs. Socialism – March 30, 2021 = This explains the relationship between Socialism, Naturalism, & Christianity.

#271 – Challenges for Biblical Christianity in a Secular World – April 9, 2021

For more WOKE / CULTURE WAR Resources, go to Q&A #195.

POLITICS Resources, go to Q&A #249.

STEWARDSHIP Resources, go to Q&A #192.

MORALITY IN SOCIETY Resources, go to Q&A #98.

EVOLUTION vs. CREATION Resources, go to Q&A #82.

WORLDVIEW & APOLOGETICS Resources, go to Q&A #124.

For WORSHIP Resources, go to Q&A #261.


#261 Q&A with Coach Phil – March 5, 2021 – Helping Young People Worship

#77 – Personal Worship

#152 – 12 Days of Christmas

#200 – 10K Reasons to Believe

#235 – Joy to the World!

#241 – The First Noel!

**For YOUTH MINISTRY Principles & Resources, go to Q&A #31.


#31 Q&A with Coach Phil – September 5, 2017 – Discipline

*#33 – Perseverance – Sept. 19, 2017 = “The Tunnel is always darkest in the Middle”…Fight with endurance for Breakthrough & Revival to come!

For CAMPUS MINISTRY GENERAL Resources, click here or go to Q&A #1.

For CAMPUS MISSIONARY Resources, click here or go to Q&A #25.

For DISCIPLESHIP / FOLLOW-UP Resources, click here or go to Q&A #7.

For EVANGELISM Resources, click here or go to Q&A #144.

*#41 – Right Leadership – Nov. 14, 2017 = 10 C’s of Getting the Right People on the Bus!

*#49 – Teamwork – Jan. 9, 2018 = Teamwork makes the Dream work!

*#50 – Greatness – Jan. 16, 2018 = Everybody can be Great because Everybody can Serve!

*#53 – Self-Management – Feb. 6, 2018 = Guard your heart, Internal Game Plan, Self-Leadership…key to be an authentic Jesus follower!

*#55 – Influence – Feb. 20, 2018 = One word definition of Leadership is Influence…Salt & Light!

*#60 – Reboot – Mar. 27, 2018 = 4 R’s…find time to refuel, reflect, return, & refocus!

*#110 – Leading a Bible Study – March 12 2019 = This is a very simple process for Preparing & Leading a Bible Study!

*#114 – Praying for Our Students as Missionaries to Their School – April 9, 2019 = Here are some practical ways to help young people see themselves as missionaries to their schools so they can be light in their culture!

*#119 – Serving Schools – May 14, 2019 = Here are 5 Ways to Serve Your Local Schools in response to the Great Commission!

*#124 – Teaching a Biblical Worldview – June 18, 2019 = This is about helping young people to develop a Biblical Worldview.

*#127 – Spiritual Growth Basics – July 9, 2019 = This focuses on the issue of the Spiritual Disciplines that a Follower of Jesus Needs in their life.

*#128 – 7 Top Biblical Principles 4 Every Teen – July 16, 2019 = This deals with 7 Biblical Principles to help Every Teen live out the Christian Life Successfully.

*#129 – Hearing the Voice of God – July 23, 2019 = This deals with Learning to Hear and Obey the Voice of God.

*#131 – Working Together to Reach Every Student – August 6, 2019 = This deals with helping our young people to experience the power of the united Body of Christ in action.

*#133 – 7 Ways to Connect with Students – August 20, 2019 = This offers some great ideas for developing deeper relationships with young people in order to go to the next level in ministry to and with them.

*#185 – Speaking to Students! – June 12, 2020 = The info here will help you become a more effective communicator to young people, and then for you to pass on what you learn to the young people who are leaders in the ministry of your church & First Priority clubs.

*#236 – What I Would Say To All Pastors and Youth Pastors – December 8, 2020 = This addresses the five factors most likely to make the difference in turning around the ongoing decline in the reaching, baptizing, and discipling of 12- to 17-year-olds.

#2 – Unity / Network – Feb. 14, 2017 = The united group of adult leaders from local churches who have a heart for reaching teens on the school campus.

#4 – Community Research – Feb. 28, 2017 = Researching the Spiritual & Physical Climate of Your Community.

#7 – Connection / Follow-up & the Monthly Ministry Report – Mar. 21, 2017 = The Follow-up process that starts each month with those who get saved at Hook Week!

#9 – Focus Groups – Apr. 4, 2017 = Small groups that meet during the Focus Week meeting for Accountability & Discipleship.

#12 – 5 Most Common Misconceptions – Apr. 25, 2017 = 5 ideas/mindsets we have learned the hard way to avoid.

#13 – Fishing Hole – May 2, 2017 = The place where the teen fishermen go fishing…the School &/or Community.

#14 – Fishing Guides – May 9, 2017 = The adult leaders who “guide” the teen fishermen…(a.k.a. Coaches)

#21 – 5 Key Elements – June 27, 2017 = The 5 key ministry focuses of the FP Club, which are reflected in the 5 FP core values.

#22 – Coaching Tips – July 4, 2017 = The 12 “best practices” or tips we have learned from the 30+ years in implementing the FP strategy.

#23 – Battle & Solutions – July 11, 2017 = The Battle we are in between the Kingdom of Light vs Kingdom of Darkness and the Spiritual Solution.

#24 – Coaches Meetings – July 18, 2017 = Key practices for the monthly meeting of the adult leaders (Coaches) implementing the FP strategy.

#26 – 5 Functions of a Coach – Aug. 1, 2017 = The 5 key functions of training, helping, & coaching youth leaders & communicating w/ the CCM.

#27 – Successful Coaching – Aug. 8, 2017 = 5 key ingredients to be a successful coach & 3 essential components.

#28 – Coaching the Games & the Monthly Ministry Report – Aug. 15, 2017 = 25 basics of coaching the club meetings.

#29 – 7 C’s that Unite Us – Aug. 22, 2017 = 7 key areas to focus on in order to build unity in our communities.

#32 – Burn the Ships – Sept. 12, 2017 = Dismantle the Ships & Build…then Conquer & Win the land or Die trying!

#34 – On Mission – Sept. 26, 2017 = Means to 1) Think Higher, 2) Pray Bigger, 3) Give Greater, & 4) Serve Stronger!

#35 – Proving the Bible – Oct. 3, 2017 = The Bible is 1) the REVELATION of God, 2) RELIABLE, 3) RELEVANT!

#37 – Gospel of Jesus – Oct. 17, 2017 = Helping Students understand the Good News of Jesus, the Cross, & the Resurrection!

#39 – Real Jesus – Oct. 31, 2017 = The REAL JESUS reminds us that He must be the CENTRAL FOCUS of our ministry with young people!

#40 – Happy Birthday – Nov. 7, 2017 = TWO BIRTHDAYS are necessary for Heaven…1) a physical birthday & 2) a spiritual birthday!!

#42 – Thanksgiving – Nov. 21, 2017 = Thanks-living…1) is God’s will, and 2) It does not matter what circumstance we find ourselves in!

#51 – Persecution – Jan. 23, 2018 = Boast about your Perseverance and Faith in all the Persecutions and Trials!

#52 – Disciple-Making – Jan. 30, 2018 = Relational + Transformational = Missional!

#56 – School Shooting – Feb. 27, 2018 = The Proper Response is “I’m Not Ashamed!”

#57 – Patience – Mar. 6, 2018 = Keep calm & have patience by trusting that God knows best & His timing is best!

#58 – Interpreting the Bible – Mar. 13, 2018 = We MUST have a Conservative view, not Liberal, of the interpretation of the Bible!

#59 – Right from Wrong – Mar. 20, 2018 = Absolute Truth is that which is right for all people, places, & times!

#61 – How We Know Jesus is Alive – April 3, 2018 = Here are 7 alternate explanations of the resurrection, and the answer for each!

#62 – Social Media – April 10, 2018 = 4 Tactics to Advance the Gospel on Social Media!

#63 – Ministry Partnership Principles – April 17, 2018 = Key Principles that will help you determine whether or not to partner with someone in doing ministry!

#71 – Murmuration & Synchronization – June 12, 2018 = The Prayer of Jesus 2: Nature’s most beautiful displays of unified & collective movement which show how deeply God cares about Unity!

#72 – Certification #5 – June 19, 2018 = Leadership in the Body of Christ!

#74 – Relativism – July 3, 2018 = The Rejection of Absolute Truth!

#77 – Personal Worship – July 24, 2018 = Worshipping in Spirit and Truth!

#78 – The Power of Words – July 31, 2018 = 7 Principles for Using Words for Good!

#79 – Students Reaching Students – August 7, 2018 = The Biggest Influence on a Teenager is a Peer!

#80 – Why a Christian Worldview Matters – August 14, 2018 = We define worldview, some secular worldviews, & especially the Christian worldview!

#81 – Spiritual Warfare 101 – August 21, 2018 = Here’s How We Keep from being Deceived by the Enemy’s Schemes!

#82 – Evolution is a Myth – August 28, 2018 = Understanding Evolution & it’s 4 Fatal Flaws!

#83 – 8th of the Beatitudes – September 4, 2018 = Blessed are the persecuted for great is your reward in Heaven!

#84 – Homosexuality in Youth Ministry – September 11, 2018 = Here’s how to help a young person in your Youth Group who “comes out of the closet.”

#85 – See You at the Pole – September 18, 2018 = It is a global prayer movement where students meet at their school’s flagpole before school to lift up their friends, families, teachers, school, and nation to God on the 4th Wednesday of each September!

#93 – Just War Theory – November 13, 2018 = The time-honored criteria of the JUST WAR THEORY that were developed by Christian theologians in the late fourth and early fifth centuries A.D.

#94 – What is Truth? – November 20, 2018 = The history of Truth & it’s source, and the 3 premises of Truth.

#100 – New Year’s Resolutions:  the Spiritual Edition – January 1, 2019 = We take a look at 4 Principles for Making Life-changing Resolutions!

#101 – Sanctity of Life – January 8, 2019 = We take a look at the 2 main issues to consider about Abortion!

#102 – A  R.E.A.L. Man – January 15, 2019 = We take a look at the Definition of a R.E.A.L. Man, plus numerous aspects of Chivalry!

#103 – 8 Questions Every Worldview Must Answer – January 22, 2019 = We unpack the definition of Worldview & then look at the 8 questions that every Worldview Must Answer!

#104 – Never Too Young to be Used by God – January 29, 2019 = We look at 10 Biblical Examples of How God Used Young People!

#105 – Dating Covenant – February 5, 2019 = We look at a Dating Covenant between Teens & Parents!

#106 – Evangelism Explosion Gospel Presentation – February 12, 2019 = This gospel presentation uses 5 points:  Grace, Man, God, Christ, Faith!

#107 – Personal Evangelism Follow-up – February 19, 2019 = This deals with the process for doing immediate follow-up with the person that you just led to faith in Christ!

#108 – Feet Time & Heart Time – February 26, 2019 = This deals with Spending Daily Time with God in the Morning AND Evening!

#111 – The 10 Commandments – March 19, 2019 = Here’s a simple way to remember God’s TOP TEN ABSOLUTE TRUTHS…in order…by using the fingers on your hands as reminders!

#113 – Building Immunity to Anti-Christian Ideas – April 2, 2019 = Here are 3 practical steps to help young people combat the anti-Christian worldviews of our culture today!

#115 – Principles of P.R.A.Y.E.R. – April 16, 2019 = Here are some Principles of Prayer that will help our young people release the Power of God in their lives!

#117 – The Gospel of the Kingdom:  King Jesus – April 30, 2019 = This gives a strong foundational understanding of this very crucial biblical concept…The Gospel of the Kingdom, with emphasis on King Jesus!

#118 – The TEEN Commandments – May 7, 2019 = These are 10 principles that are very timely for the challenges that teenagers face in today’s culture!

#120 – Legislating Morality – Part 2 – May 21, 2019 = Here is additional information on the issue of Legislating Morality!

#121 – Memorial Day – May 28, 2019 This focuses on two days of memorial: 1) for Jesus called the “Lord’s Supper” & 2) for the USA called “Memorial Day!”

#122 – Legislating Morality – Part 3 – June 4, 2019 = This focuses on questions like “Is Legislating Morality Biblical?” etc.

#123 – Biblical Worldview – Part 3 – June 11, 2019 = This focuses on issues like “What is a Biblical Worldview & how does it get diluted” etc.

#125 – The Gospel of the Kingdom:  The Message – June 25, 2019 = This is about understanding the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom.

#126 – The Gospel of the Kingdom:  Citizenship – July 2, 2019 = This focuses on the question “What does it mean to be a Citizen of the Kingdom of God?”

#130 – 5 Social Media Tips – July 30, 2019 = This deals with some very wise ways that we can help our young people to Keep Social Media in its Place.

#132 – How to Read the Bible Chronologically – August 13, 2019 = This shows how reading the Bible in historical order can equip us to understand its narrative more clearly and see it from a fresh perspective.

#134 – Does God Really Send People to Hell? – August 27, 2019 = This deals with the place of eternal banishment for all those who choose not to be followers of Jesus = Hell.

#135 – Competing Worldviews Influence Today’s Christians – September 3, 2019 = This shows how other worldviews are polluting our Christian young people’s Biblical worldview.

#136 – Why Does Creation Matter? – September 10, 2019 = This gives some incredible information about why Creation & the Age of the Earth are so important to the reliability of Scripture & the Gospel message!

#140 – Science Confirms the Bible: Part 1 – October 8, 2019 = This hits head-on in debunking one of the biggest myths that our culture tries to put forth as fact.

#142 – What is Wrong with the Woke Movement? – October 22, 2019 = This deals with the issue of a new movement that focuses on progressivism but under the guise of righting social injustice.

#144 – EVANGELISM Resources – November 5, 2019 = This is a list of evangelism tools that you can use to equip and train your students to be more effective in doing the Great Commission!

#146 – Teens & Technology – November 19, 2019 = This deals with two main questions: 1) What is out there that we need to know about? 2) What type of filters or controls are available?

#147 – A Meal that will make Students Hungry – November 26, 2019 = This is about how to teach students to feed themselves spiritually!

#148 – Secrets to a Successful Christian Life – December 3, 2019 = Here are some Biblical Principles to be Prosperous & Successful!

#149 – Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven! – December 10, 2019 = This deals with How to Know Jesus is the Only Way to Heaven & What to Say to Those Who Object.

#153 – Alleged Disproofs of God’s Existence – January 7, 2020 = We deal with ways to respond to these 4 arguments that attempt to disprove the existence of God!

#154 – 10 Spiritual Challenges to Set the Pace for the New Year – January 14, 2020 = We deal with a fresh approach to New Years Resolutions… a Spiritual Decathlon!

#155 – The Young Man’s Guide to Awesomeness Critique & Summary – January 21, 2020 = This is a great study book for teen boys to help them become godly young men; the subtitle is… How to Guard Your Heart, Get the Girl, & Save the World!

#156 – Is Sex Before Marriage a Sin? – January 28, 2020 = This is a great resource for young people to help them know & understand the biblical principles around the topic of Dating & Sexuality!

#160 – Dealing with Death:  Remembering Kobe Bryant – February 25, 2020 = This provides insight for Christians in dealing with the reality of death & helping others who are going through the grieving process.

#161 – Reading the Bible All Wrong?! – March 3, 2020 = This focuses on 3 Faulty Trends of Interpreting the Bible that are in widespread use today…then Guidelines to Correctly Interpreting the Bible…then various Principles & Practical “How To’s” for Reading the Bible!

#165 – No Matter What, I Got Your B.A.C.K.! – March 31, 2020 = This details some practical & scriptural “how to’s” to achieve unity by using the word B.A.C.K. as an acrostic!

#171  – Pivoting in a Pandemic: Five Shifts in Global Youth Ministry – April 24, 2020 = This focuses on 5 ways you can “ramp-up” your Youth Ministry during & after this pandemic!

#173 – Nat’l Day of Prayer, May 7, 2020: Pray God’s Glory Across the Earth! – May 1, 2020 = This provides a brief history, and some suggested plans & options for the National Day of Prayer!

#174 – Coach Phil’s Top 101 Favorite Bible Verses / Passages! – May 5, 2020 = This Scripture list will help anyone to “stay on the path of purity” (Ps. 119:9) by “hiding God’s Word in their hearts” (Ps. 119:11)!

#175 – In a Pandemic, Youth Workers are “Essential Workers!” – May 8, 2020 = This article shows just how important it is for the Body of Christ to value Youth Ministry! 

#186 – Beyond Blind Faith! – June 16, 2020 = This article is a summary of the key proofs of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus that will help young people to know & practice the techniques of Apologetics, i.e. an intellectual defense of the truth of Christianity…explaining not only why they believe in Jesus but also why not believing is not a viable option.

#198 – Biblical Chivalry: Part 1 – Introduction – July 28, 2020 = This shows the value of the biblical basis for taking the historical ideals of Chivalry and applying them in modern times!

#221 – Biblical Judgment in a “Don’t Judge Me” World – October 16, 2020 = This study will help young people have a more biblically correct understanding of the important biblical principle of judging.

#227 – D.R.I.F.T. Danger – November 6, 2020 = This bible study focuses on the danger of drifting from Christ and whole-hearted devotion to His purposes and His people.

#229 – What Makes a Great Church? – November 13, 2020 = This explains the phrase, “A Great Church is made up of Great Disciples with a Great Commitment to the Great Command and the Great Commission!”

#261 – Helping Young People Worship – March 5, 2021 = This article answers 4 common questions about Youth Ministry & Worship, plus gives some practical suggestions.

#272 – 21 Historical Christians We Should Know – April 13, 2021 = This details the lives of 21 leaders from church history who have inspired every generation of believers toward a greater passion for Jesus and being His ‘totally surrendered’ followers.

#282 – What Does the Bible Say About Depression & Suicide? Part 1 – May 21, 2021.

#283 – What Does the Bible Say About Depression & Suicide? Part 2 – May 25, 2021.

#284 – What is Your Love Language? – June 1, 2021 – This shows us how to do better in all of our relationships, especially with those young people that are hard to love.

For ABSOLUTE TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #59.

For APOLOGETICS & WORLDVIEW Resources, go to Q&A #124.

For BIBLE AS TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #35.

For BIBLE READING & STUDY Resources, go to Q&A #161.

For CAMPUS MISSIONARY Resources, go to Q&A #25.

For CHIVALRY Resources, go to Q&A #198.

For CHRISTMAS Season Resources, go to Q&A #44.


For CORONAVIRUS / COVID19 / PANDEMIC Resources, go to Q&A #163.

For CREATION vs. EVOLUTION Resources, go to Q&A #82.

For CULTURE WAR Resources, go to Q&A #195.

For DATING & SEXUALITY Resources, go to Q&A #156.

For DISCIPLESHIP / FOLLOW-UP Resources, go to Q&A #7.

For EASTER (The Cross & Resurrection) Resources, go to Q&A #37.

For END TIMES Resources, go to Q&A #256.

For EVANGELISM Resources, go to Q&A #144.

For EVOLUTION vs. CREATION Resources, go to Q&A #82.

For FOLLOW-UP / DISCIPLESHIP Resources, go to Q&A #7.

For GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM Resources, go to Q&A #117.

For INTERNET / SOCIAL MEDIA Resources, go to Q&A #62.

For JESUS Resources, go to Q&A #39.

For KINGDOM OF GOD Resources, go to Q&A #117.

For LEADERSHIP & CERTIFICATION Resources, go to Q&A #66.

For LEGISLATING MORALITY Resources, go to Q&A #98.

For MEDIA / SOCIAL MEDIA / INTERNET Resources, go to Q&A #62.

For MORALITY & MEDIA IN SOCIETY Resources, go to Q&A #98.


For NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS (Jesus Followers Commitments) Resources, go to Q&A #244.

For PANDEMIC Resources, go to Q&A #163.

For POLITICS Resources, go to Q&A #249.

For RESURRECTION Resources, go to Q&A #37.

For REVIVAL & SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Resources, go to Q&A #199.

For SANCTITY OF LIFE / ABORTION Resources, go to Q&A #101.

For SCIENCE Resources, go to Q&A #140.

For SEXUALITY & DATING Resources, go to Q&A #105.

For SPIRITUAL GROWTH Basics, go to Q&A #127.

For SPIRITUAL WARFARE Resources, go to Q&A #81.


For THANKSGIVING Resources, go to Q&A #42.

For TRUTH Resources, go to Q&A #94.

For UNITY Resources, go to Q&A #2.

For WOKE Resources, go to Q&A #142.

For WORSHIP Resources, go to Q&A #261.

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